Blogroll Update

Greetings! It’s been quite some time since I’ve straightened up and cleaned out the ol’ Blogroll (which you can find on the right hand side of the page, under Recent Posts). As inevitably happens, some of the blogs listed there are now defunct, and others are no longer updating. So, I figured it would be a good idea to take out the completely dead ones, and add a few more than I’ve found over the years. I’ll be going through each one in the revised list, and giving a short description. The blogs will be listed in the same order that they are on the right, and I’ll also include the games they cover and if they are active or not as of this post. And so, away we go!

Andy G. and Ian C. (Dystopian Wars, Dropfleet) – INACTIVE

This blog is co-run by a great friend of mine, Ian. He has some great Dystopian Wars content up there, including files for his own homebrew pirate/mercenary faction. It’s no longer updated, but still worth a look.

Black Six Red Seven (Star Trek Attack Wing, Star Wars Armada, X-wing)

B6R7 is one of the more impressive sci-fi space gaming websites I’ve run across. Joe has posted all manner of useful guides, unboxings, and product reviews.

Cannot Get Your Ship Out (Star Wars Armada)

CGYSO is a great reference for Star Wars Armada players. Their in-depth tactics articles, references, and custom content make this one not to be missed.

Element 270 (Dystopian Wars Blog/Podcast) – INACTIVE

Element 270 was one of the most prominent DW blogs and podcasts back at the height of the game’s popularity under Spartan. While there have not been any new posts or episodes since 2016, there is still a lot of back-content here that is worth checking out.

Full Spectrum Dominance (Dystopian Wars, Dropfleet) – INACTIVE

FSD has an amazing collection of DW painting, gaming, and news articles. The owner of the blog has shifted his efforts to other social media platforms over the last couple years, but FSD remains a very impressive project, and a great source of inspiration for DW painting and modeling projects!

Ops Center (Firestorm Armada) – INACTIVE

The Ops Center is the personal blog of my friend Ryjak, where he has posted a wealth of great resources for Firestorm Armada 2.0, including his custom terrain templates. While it has not been updated since 2017, the tactics articles are still interesting.

Tabletop Gaming News

One of my go-to websites to find out about all things gaming, naval and otherwise.

The Waygate (Firestorm Armada)

This is my friend Josh’s blog, where he talks about the goings-on with the Firestorm Armada Michigan crew.

Uncharted Seas Courier (Dystopian Wars and Uncharted Seas) – INACTIVE

This is the hobby blog of my good friend Aaron. There is some great stuff here, including some event reports where you might spot some of my models engaged in pitched battle! Though it hasn’t been updated in a while, I still like to go back to this blog once in a while for inspiration.

There you have it! A nice, freshly curated blogroll. I’m hoping to be a bit better about adding and removing blogs to this list in the future. To be honest, it’s a bit disheartening to see just how many of the blogs in the old list were no longer active! If you have a blog yourself, or else know of one that would be a good addition to the list, please let me know. Commenting on this post will do just fine!

Until next time…

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1 Response to Blogroll Update

  1. avatar Steve Gill says:

    Sad that so many good blogs have bit the dust
    My blog at has Dystopian Wars and Uncharted Seas well as other games

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