Author Topic: Chinese Federation review  (Read 3809 times)


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Chinese Federation review
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:37:58 pm »
Actually, I'll do the review later--it's getting late here--but I wanted to share this pic with you:

This is the Chinese Jian-class battleship.  It's nearly as big as the FSA dreadnaught!  The Chinese dreadnaught is actually a floating fortress, but I have not acquired one yet.

Stay tuned to this thread for my (eventual) review of the Chinese Federation Naval Battle Group boxed set.
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Re: Chinese Federation review
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 11:24:35 pm »
Awesome!  I am glad you're doing this.  I look forward to new pictures!

Also if you're looking to sell 2 of the cruisers, I'm your man!   ;)
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Re: Chinese Federation review
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2013, 07:38:41 am »
Those almost look close enough to the Ralgard ships in style that they might work with Uncharted Seas.  I wonder....


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Re: Chinese Federation review
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2013, 01:49:10 am »
Ok, now for the rest of the review!

Here are some pics of what comes in the starter box, along with the FSA equivalent for purposes of scale. 

The battleship can come equipped with rockets:

Or you can place a little bunker-looking thing in that space (which is not any sort of weapon or generator that I know of):

I think if I'm not running the battleship with rockets, I'll leave that space open.  There is good detail, and I like to think that is where the crew does their morning meditations:

In the above pic, you can also see the forward-facing Dragon's Breath cannons (more on those later).

3 Dao-class cruisers:

The cruisers run in squadrons of 2-3.  Also included are gun turrets to convert the cruisers into Wodao-class gunships, which run in squadrons of 2:

9 Nu-class frigates, which run in squadrons of 2-4 ships:

2 Liuxing-class air bombards, which run in squadrons of 2-3:

And finally, 10 tiny flyer tokens, which can be used as fighters, dive bombers, or recon planes:

I have not yet been able to use these ships on the table, but my initial impression is that they are close-range havoc machines.  Most ships in the Chinese fleet carry sonic weapons; ALL Chinese sonic weapons carry the Concussive Barrage MAR, meaning that the target ship loses 1 AP if the sonic weapon breaks the target's DR (also, any mines within 8" of the target model automatically detonate).

All Chinese rockets carry the Incendiary Rounds MAR.

All Chinese land, sea, and air vessels carry both the Conscripted Crew and Rugged Construction MARs.

The larger ships carry the Jade Armor or Ancient Jade Armor MARs, which can get the model out of the effects of a critical hit on a 5+ or 4+ roll on a 1D6 (respectively), although they still take the HP damage.

The only ships that can reach out to RB4 are the Zhanmadao-class dreadnaught (rockets only) (not in this fleet box), the battleship (sonic broadsides and rockets), and the Dun-class floating bastion (rockets only).  Everything else is RB3 or below.  The battleship carries an optional internal sonic generator: when activated, this generator affects ALL ships within 8" by reducing all ordnance, auxiliary weapons, and AP attack dice by 2 until the end of the phase.  Combined with its extra inch of movement over other battleships, it seems designed to get into the midst of the enemy and start wreaking havoc.

Additionally, the battleship carries the Dragon Breath forward cannons.  They're only effective in RB1, but they carry the Corrosive MAR:  if the attack with this weapon breaks the target's DR, in addition to losing 1 HP, the target also gets a corrosive marker.  If the target's CR is broken, it gets 2 corrosive markers.  In the end phase, on a 1D6 roll of 4+, the model loses an additional HP and keeps the corrosive marker (until the end of the next turn, when you can roll to try to get rid of the corrosive marker).  But it gets better:  these are flamethrower weapons, which means that breaking the DR also means the target gets a raging fire marker; breaking the CR means the target gets 1D3+1 raging fire markers.  However, these weapons CANNOT cause normal critical hit effects.  Several other models carry this weapon, but they are not in this box set.

Most Chinese ships have the majority of their weapons tied up in broadsides, meaning maneuver will be very important.

Finally, the floating bastions, which are in the Fleet Support box set (which I have on order) carry the Jiu Long Bi generator.  The bastions run in squadrons of 1-3; when they stay within 8" of each other, the generators create a shield between them that limits direct attacks from surface-level models to hitting only on a 5+.  As I understand it, this also affects outgoing fire from ships behind the screen.

So I think these ships are designed to be a real menace up-close, but I believe they will require finesse to use accurately--unlike my FSA, which are a point-and-shoot fleet.  Keeping the various MARs in mind when playing the Chinese will be a lot to keep up with, but I believe these MARs will be integral to fielding this fleet successfully.

Sorry this ended up being so long, but I wanted to share my thoughts.  Hope you enjoyed the write-up!
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Re: Chinese Federation review
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2013, 05:05:06 pm »
So I've now picked up the Chinese Federation fleet support box and the dreadnaught.  The fleet support box contains:

One Guan Dao battlecruiser:

The Guan Dao -class deploys in a squadron of one, however it also has a MAR that allows it to attach to a squadron of the Chui-class support carriers.  The three turrets are sonic weapons, and it has normal broadsides.  Both weapons systems only reach to RB3.

And speaking of the support carriers, the box includes two of the Chui -class:

These ships deploy in squadrons of 2-3.  Interestingly, they also carry the attachment MAR, but for cruisers; I guess that means you can attach a carrier to a cruiser squadron.  Each carrier has a tiny flyer complement of only 4; these are meant to be support carriers and not the big boys like we've seen for the other factions.  To that end, these are medium capital class ships.  They carry sonic cannons with a 90-degree forward firing arc, broadsides, and aft guns.  Again, no weapons reach past RB3.

At first I thought the Chinese carriers wouldn't be competitive with only launching 4 TFTs.  But the Chinese dive bombers carry the Swarm Tactics MAR (which adds 2 AD to their combined attacks) and the Vertical Dive MAR (which means abort hits are applied against the wing BEFORE any destroyed results).  So I think they can likely hold their own.  Swarm tactics should mean that they'll still be a menace against smaller ships even if a couple of tokens are lost.

The box also contains 4 Yue-class destroyers:

These ships deploy in squadrons of 2-4, so you get a full squadron in the box.  They carry the Dragon Breath flamethrower weapon (you can see the dragon running through the middle of the ship), which carries the Corrosive MAR.  This weapon is only effective in RB1, but it is a secondary.  These ships also carry broadsides, which are effective out to RB2.

And finally, the box carries two Dun-class floating bastions:

These vessels carry the Jiu Long Bi defensive generator.  They deploy in squadrons of 2-3 and are medium capital class skimmers (they carry the Surface Skimmer MAR).  They carry the Dragon Breath cannons like the destroyers; these have a fixed channel firing arc but are located on all 4 sides of the bastion.  They can also fire rockets from RB2 to RB4.  Interestingly, they have 360-degree movement.

Now for the Zhanmadao-class dreadnaught (which comes in a box on its own):

The model comes in two halves, with a tower.  This is the upper half with the central tower:

And here is the lower half:

My head is already hurting thinking about painting this monster.  I think I'll likely shred several brushes due to all the detail work, especially on the upper half.  It's spiny.

The dreadnaught comes with a tiny flyer complement of 6; here's the hangar (on the lower half of the hull):

Might be a good modeling opportunity with that...

This vessel carries the Dragon Breath cannons in the same configuration as the Dun-class floating bastion; however, it has 2 cannons per side.  With 8 AD per cannon, this is a formidable weapon at RB1.  The two sonic turrets reach out to RB3, and it can launch rockets from RB2 through RB4.  The rocket spread is a whopping 9/11/13.  It carries the Surface Skimmer MAR.  And, it also has a Jiu Long Bi generator.

So I've deployed the Chinese twice now, both times against the FSA.  Won the first game, lost the second, but both games were narrowly decided.  As I mentioned earlier, keeping all the MARs in mind is imperative to fielding this fleet successfully.  I did manage to close with an FSA gunship and hit him with the bastion's Dragon Breath in one game--it was cool to watch the Corrosive MAR at work, as he was not able to repair the effect at the end of the round.  Also, if used properly, the sonic weapons will chew up the enemy's AP.  I'm not used to conducting boarding actions, but this fleet seems designed for that--almost like the Prussians.

Haven't figured out a paint scheme yet, but will post pics once I do.

Thanks for reading!

"Sometimes, you gotta roll the hard six."--Commander Adama


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Re: Chinese Federation review
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2013, 09:19:43 pm »
Great review!
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