Author Topic: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)  (Read 2975 times)


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Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« on: May 16, 2017, 07:43:48 am »
The Ordo Teutonicus

A heavy battlefleet that excels at orbital bombardment ("cleansing fire") and frontal attacks with guns blazing. It has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, but from time to time it is exactly what I need. ("If all you have is a hammer - everything looks like a nail")

My first completed battleship can be seen in the first frame. It is the "Zealot"  a "Beijing" class battleship.  With 3+ armor and 18 hull it is a very resilient ship that carries 6 super heavy and 12 heavy mass drivers + a Cobra Heavy Laser (that has the size of a skyscraper) into the midst of the enemy's battle line.

All super heavy mass drivers are magnetized which allows this ship to be converted into a "Tokyo" class battleship - one of the strongest bombardment ships in the game that easily destroys entire sectors + all the enemy ground forces that hide within.

As mentioned before... Not exactly subtle...

Next up will be the Bloodswarm,  a 1500point Scourge battlefleet that has actually seen a lot of use. I just can't seem to find the time to put the last finishing touches on them...

Here is a WIP picture.

I will post a better one in due time

Best Regards

- Ljevid
« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 11:29:42 am by Ljevid »


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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2017, 12:11:41 am »
These look great!

For finished models, it's best to post in the "Showcase" section of the forum, so they're easier to find.

Can't wait to see more UCM models in that scheme, really good stuff. And those Scourge ships look menacing.
"Sometimes, you gotta roll the hard six."--Commander Adama


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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2017, 10:53:27 pm »
Very nice
Firestorm: Aquan, Directorate, Retholza, Hawker (FsA)/ Terran (FsPf), RSN (FsA)/ Dindrenzi (FsPf)
Warmaster: Kislev, Khemri, Dwarves,
BFG: Pacification Fleet (IN), Tau Expeditionary (SG), Battlefleet (Chaos), Kher-Ys Corsairs, Crusade Fleet (IN),
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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2017, 01:27:26 pm »
Very cool idea! An inquisitorial UCM fleet  8). That's very interesting to me, because the Dropzone/Dropfleet fluff I've read has been pretty quite on the spiritual side of the UCM faction.


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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2017, 08:06:48 am »
Thanks guys.

I like fluff and from time to time I enjoy playing the bad guys.

Also there just have to be some lunatics in the Dropfleet universe that get their chance at battle when the resources are stretched to the limit.

+ when you have a Tokyo-class UCM battleship preparing for an orbital strike above a PHR held cluster and you shout "Burn Heretic" when rolling the dice... It is not only satisfying, but also seems to bring good luck  :D

The project is a little slow since I'm trying out a couple new ideas:
× The white and yellow color scheme is challenging
× I'm trying to add some battle damage. The hits look good - but the chipping leaves much to be desired. From a meter away it looks more like sloppy brushwork than an intended effect.
x I'm adding tiny crusader decals to the ships. It works well, but it is kinda fiddly...

More soon hopefully.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 08:08:59 am by Ljevid »


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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2017, 04:41:04 pm »
Great looking ships guys! I know the "burn the heretic" feeling well when dealing with PHR!


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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2018, 04:44:09 am »
So listening to the latest podcast (Feb. 2018) I decided to talk a little bit about unit identification in Dropfleet Commander and the latest scenario we played.
The unit design in Dropfleet is based on an ingenious modular system which – for example - allows you to build a whole variety of light, medium and heavy cruisers + carriers and troopships from a single cruiser sprue.

It does make sense too – uniformity + the modular design makes construction, maintenance and repair so much easier.

The downside is identifying the units.

As in every game it will take some time to figure out the different silhouettes. The advantage of the Dropfleet design is that the unique feature of the ships is prominently displayed in the design – in other words: The unique feature is the thing you have to watch out for the most.

For many people it is a little bit more difficult with Scourge

A possible tactic here would be to disguise some heavy hitters in between less dangerous ships – not one I used yet, since I usually give a pregame description of my ships to my opponent. Maybe in a tournament  ;)

The second difficulty is in identifying battlegroups.

DfC fleets are made up of battlegroups, which are made up of groups. Groups usually consist of similar ships.

At 1.500 points it usually only takes two to three turns for the ships to mingle and you regularly send specific ship types to the same area of the battle (as far as battlegroup cohesion allows) to perform a specific task. Without some form of identification you regularly need as much time to figure out which units to move – as for the move itself.

Fortunately a simple piece of colored straw on the flightstand usually does the trick. Or if you are as crazy as a pal of mine (Bistromatic)  – you mill your own flightstands.

All in all – unit identification in Dropfleet is surprisingly easy. Once you are able to spot the differences in the main design you don’t only know the name of the ship, but also what it is designed to do on the battlefield.

Next up will be a description of the last scenario we played.


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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2018, 06:49:51 am »
Especially when you do a lot of demo games you tend to play the same scenarios over and over again.

So a friend from my club (Travespielertreffen e.V.) and I decided to spice it up a little. We both built a 1300 point fleet, made a list of all available scenarios and let the dice gods decide which we were going to play.

It instantly felt a lot more realistic because tailor fitted fleets for every engagement are a luxury an admiral probably doesn’t have.

In this case it got even better, we rolled “Erupting Battlefronts” (Scenario 3) a scenario we left out because we didn’t have space stations at the time.

The Fluff text reads as follows:

What seemed like a Recon skirmish was in reality the prelude to a fleet sized engagement, with the foe making a play for key sectors on the surface. Capture and hold them quickly; your reinforcements are en-route, but so are the enemy’s…

So what happens?

The Approach type (one of the main features of the scenarios) is Rapid Reaction. This approach type has the feel of a chance encounter that turns into a full-fledged battle. In turn one you may activate one battlegroup of your choice. This battlegroup comes onto the battlefield and encounters an enemy battlegroup – then all hell breaks loose as frantic calls for assistance are issued system wide and every ship in range rushes for the battlefield. Which ship arrives first is not under your control.

Turn two you throw a D6 for every remaining battlegroup. On a 4+ it joins the fray. On turn three it is a 2+ and turn four all remaining battlegroups come on.
Sounds like a lot of luck is needed – but this is actually a lot of fun – and since you regularly start without your entire fleet on the table, you are kind of used to it.

But the cinematic approach is just the beginning:

1st. there is a planetary ring (red tape) dividing the board. Just picture the Saturn rings.
A ring of debris in high orbit that reduces scan range and damages your ships if you fly through. You may duck under it with an altitude change into low orbit. A battleship would probably charge through to avoid low orbit – but especially frigates might end up as an addition to the debris field that makes up the planetary ring.

2nd The ground combat part mostly takes place in the middle or on the enemy’s side of the board.

In victory points: You get 1 VP for every sector you destroy on your side of the table. The space stations / towns in the middle and on the enemy’s side count normal (critical locations+normal scoring)
That means – you can destroy clusters in your part of the map to stop the enemy from scoring and get some minor points. But the real points you get by landing your troops on the enemy’s side of the battlefield – preprogrammed carnage.

So how did it go?

The game felt very balanced. We both had the worst fleets possible for this scenario – so we were both screwed.

His idea was to field a lot of long range ships with scan and electronic warfare support that would pick my fleet apart at long range. This was effectively countered by the orbital ring that hid my approaching ships from his attempts at scanning.

My plan was to bum-rush him with a large number of small ships with an immense hitting power. Pretty much glass cannons, or giant weapons transported by ships made of papermaché and tar.

The backbone of the fleet were a carrier and a battleship. This fleet gives the enemy a difficult choice. He either deals with the small ships and ignores the big boys until it (hopefully) is too late. Or he deals with the giant monster and has a lot of piranhas tear his fleet apart.

Well so much for the plan – sadly the orbital ring countered that plan. The small ships were unable to fly through the ring and had to duck under the ring.
In Dropfleet you can change only one orbital layer per turn and directly behind the ring they slammed into the enemy fleet. No time to climb a layer. Shooting into a different layer makes it more difficult to hit and in combination with the electronic warfare the enemy deployed – all small ships needed sixes to hit and were a lot less effective. Especially since they didn’t have any staying power.

The final outcome:
My fleet employed 12 hunter killers (a huge number) – these are corvettes that attack in atmosphere and deal with other corvettes or kill the enemy’s landing crafts.

In addition I had a lot more landing assets.

That many more points sunk into the ground /atmospheric assault meant that I would most certainly loose the battle in orbit, but destroy most of his landing assets and win the ground offensive.
This worked out rather well, although the PHR atmospheric vessels proved many times how much damage they were able to shrug off and keep going. I hate their armor…

We were only able to play until turn four (not enough time). Until then most of his landing craft and corvettes were destroyed and I had a comfortable lead in points.

Sadly my hunter killers did nowhere as much damage as I hoped for. Lucky for me I had a very professional ground command that rushed for the orbital defense guns in the sectors and on the stations and joined the fray as early as possible. This was something the enemy didn’t expect. Without the withering fire from the ground the atmospheric battle might have ended in a stalemate or even a loss.

On the other hand the last two turns would probably have seen the obliteration of my fleet – I didn’t even try to attack his battleship after my first attack didn’t even scratch it’s impenetrable armor.

His second battlegroup with most of his main damage dealers was also mostly intact. An insured destruction of my fleet – but then again he would have needed to deal with all my troops on the ground to stop me from scoring. Not that easy without orbital bombardment and landing troops left. That means a lot of his shots would have to be directed on the ground  ::)

All in all an awesome game with many cinematic moments – something I love about Dropfleet and Dropzone. 



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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2018, 05:05:55 pm »
Those bases look awesome! Are they being offered for sale?


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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2018, 06:12:35 am »
He was thinking about it (+we tried to pressure him to do it ;) )

The problem is that the company that produces the blanks/ rough material only sells pallets of them and that is a huge financial commitment for a fun project (+storage, +work).

So probably not unless he can find a different supplier.


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Re: Dropfleet: Ordo Teutonicus (UCM) & Bloodswarm (Scourge)
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2018, 05:51:58 pm »
These look amazing!