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Messages - RuleBritannia

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Dystopian Wars / Viruses are Dystopian Wars. The Wait Continues
« on: February 28, 2020, 09:28:24 am »

Also, why doesn't WC give us renders?  Their artist's cartoon style doesn't do the models 'steampunk' justice, also the Rotors look a little too diselpunk for my liking.

Dystopian Wars / Fan Northstar Campaign booklet
« on: February 07, 2020, 07:43:12 am »
Hello all!  With so much help from the People's Front team I've written so much background material for the Canadians and Teutonic order to produce a fan version of the Northstar campaign booklet.   I hope to make a start on the campaign narrative shortly, but to build it up love some help from the MBS team.  In particular artwork of Teutonic Order and Canadian commanders, the fleets involved, especially up against each other that can be used in the booklet.  Also love suggestions for battles, commanders, formations and the rest.

Noises seem to suggest we will get the first two cut down faction boxes second quarter, from memory British as nd Yanks, followed by Russian versus Covenant boxed starter a month after.  I don't know if they will follow up with all starter boxes taking us to t he Autumn or start releasing expansion boxes.  But hard to tell.  The models are shows g as v red me reasonably confident we will get rulebooks and starter sets this year.

Dystopian Wars / Re: Goodbye to the old
« on: January 08, 2020, 03:32:03 pm »
I mean I find it very hard to believe that since critical but ultimately positive early comments have been removed and offers of help rejected, and critics called mentally ill.  Its just a very odd thing that there is no desire to carry on the legacy of Spartan which would have been so helpful, even if it was more of a Ravening Hordes kind of thing, along with not deliberately and proactively changing scale of a game to make cross pollination impossible.  Its just such a weird thing to do to people who were early on so keen to get involved and make a success of 3.0. 

The other thing is a weird passivity on warcradle's part especially in describing things.  For example Rich himself has described the problem for classics sales as the long time gap between the fall of Spartan and the release of the Classics range as if it was some naturally occurring thing and not his responsibility as the boss of a multi million pound company responsible. 

Dystopian Wars / Re: Goodbye to the old
« on: January 05, 2020, 04:21:28 am »
So warcradle's incompetence led to them losing money therefore the range is unprofitable?  That doesn't sound great for the longevity of the range if that is the vision going foward.

Dystopian Wars / Goodbye to the old
« on: December 29, 2019, 04:03:49 pm »
Warcradle is closing down its classics range shortly, leaving only their designs.

General Discussion / Re: MBS Podcast Episode 43
« on: December 14, 2019, 05:32:10 am »
Great Podcast as always chaps.  Next year certainly looks interesting.  I wonder if Warlord has anything else hidden up its sleeves?

Dystopian Wars / Re: More new Sculpts from Warcradle for DW 3.0
« on: December 07, 2019, 08:32:31 am »
Couple of questions have opened up so far.  Where is the command deck on the Battleship?  What are those radiator things instead of stacks?

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Open Beta Discussion
« on: November 18, 2019, 09:06:48 am »
So we have the official announcement of the End of the Beta and the push towards release. Not sure what to make of the very cut down starter sets, lacking even full units. All will be just one battleship, two cruisers and four frigates, and to play you will need a separate tokens and dice box unless they reveal a free tokens download.  The fluff starter box set will be the escape of Markov, but even in Warcradle's convoluted fluff that is set in 1860s and the main game sounds closer to the 1880s?

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Open Beta Discussion
« on: November 12, 2019, 03:37:26 pm »
It would be good to see them in better quality and next to done Spartan models.

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Open Beta Discussion
« on: November 12, 2019, 05:32:53 am »
The Order vessels are very odd.  The big one seems a mix of covenant, Turkish and screaming faces along with Raj turrets.  The smaller just seems like the Turkish destroyer but less fun.  But then I am not keen on postmodern energy aliens in a VSF setting, but it seems a bit late to be annoyed about that.

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Open Beta Discussion
« on: October 17, 2019, 11:11:53 am »
Sorry to double post but we have the new KoB sketches from Warcradle.  I really hate the new fluff, it really doesn't feel steampunk, and so utterly AHistorical it might as well be the land of Albion commanded by the immortal Elf Queen from Spenser, but that is just my opinion.  The Carrier isn't too bad, but the sky fortress shape is very odd and feels too organic to british or really to be Steampunk.  I don't like the overdesign on the drummer boy, the Chaplain is just off and seems poor taste.  The Nautilus crew really crosses a few lines for me in poor taste.  All the female models seem to have random high heels, far too cheesecakey and the Japanese Catwoman is just unpleasant culturally speaking as both stereotype, fetish appeal and seems a little too on the nose.  The mutant Thuggee seems again far too orientalist, too fantastical and makes no sense in a steampunk setting or in her Majesty's navy.  The new submarine is a mercenary ship, and fine as that, but as usual with Warcradle's designs feels impractical and unVictorian enough.  But I'm sure I'm just in a minority, and I'm sure I am so annoyed because I loved collecting the British which were my favourite fleet and Legions force.

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Open Beta Discussion
« on: October 17, 2019, 04:18:09 am »
What a sudden and unexpected conversion.  Are these old hands who have seen the light or bold neophyte?  I thought the problem with the beta was not many people were playing, a lot of changes were cosmetic ie Warcradle renaming everything like a dictator in a small caucuses ex Soviet Republic and there not being enough factional variation so you couldn't use your fun units and everybody played these same.

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