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Messages - Ryjak

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Firestorm Armada / Re: Syndicate are coming
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:39:40 am »
It helps to understand their strengths:

Battlecruiser:  There's only one, because this is really a Carrier with guns.  Take +4 Wings and 2 Frigates, and you have:

6-Wing Token
Max 17AD +11AD, or 2x 11AD + 10AD

A 6/9 DR/CR + 1 Shield is decent survivability, which is good, because you'll probably keep this on the table until it dies.

Gunships:  2 Gunships is actually normal for a Squadron Size, so it's a common downside to them.  At 30", you can put out 13 AD, or 2x 8 AD, which is really strong at that range.  Or if you buy Decimator Beams, you can threaten to Crit any Tier 2 Squadron with 9AD at 30".  If you synergize this with a Battleship or Battlecruiser getting in close with Counter-measures, you can potentially threaten to Disorder a squadron every turn, which makes them easy targets for boarding (especially if you brought Assault Craft for your Battlecruiser).

Countermeasures is mostly a defensive MAR, as you'll generally only use it to keep a squadron Disordered, but sometimes you can line everything up and either use Gunships or the Maurauder TAC Inducement to force a Disorder Check on something within the Countermeasures bubble.  Disordering a Squadron before it activates can be subtly devestating.

All theory for me so far, of course.  I haven't played them yet, but I will be building a Mercenary Fleet with Syndicate, Omnidyne, Traders, and Corsairs.  The Syndicate Patrol box will likely form my Core Fleet, because Spartan was very smart and made it easy to buy boxes to upgrade to a Battle Fleet Core by simply buying the Battleship box.  That's about 500 and 800 to fill out Core choices, which leaves room for other Mercenaries.  Omnidyne is good; ARTs strip crew and cause more Disorder, Traders run swarms and are surprisingly good for abusing something Disordred, and Corsairs are good for Mines and Assaulting.

Find a Game! / Firestorm Armada
« on: May 04, 2016, 07:15:44 am »
As discussed in episode 6 of the Man Battlestations Podcast, Bill and I will be running several Firestorm Armada events at the 2016 NOVA open.  Here are all the links and resources you will need:

NOVA Open:

Firestorm Armada Registration:

Event Packets:

 Please send me a message if you have any questions or comments.  I hope to see some of you there!

General Discussion / Re: Spartan's Corinthian Club
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:01:08 am »
 Ultimately, I think this is a sign of transition for the miniatures wargaming hobby in the United States.   Basically, if you want SG products and you live in the US, it is much easier to buy directly from SG.  For example, my FLGS literally cannot order any of the FSA Taskforce-related boxes; their distributor simply refuses to carry them.  Other game stores are closing due to lack of sales, like Game Parlor. It seems the only way a game store can operate today is if they sell crappy games like Games Workshop, X-Wing, and Magic: The Gathering.   Each of these games as a business model which has nothing to do about game balance.

Ultimately,  I expect game stores to go the way of comic book stores and baseball trading card stores.   People will still be playing games, and will start gaming clubs like they do in the UK.   I would start a DC miniatures war gaming club in a heartbeat, but I have no idea how to find a venue for the ridiculous amount of space tabletop wargames require.

Days?! Ugh!

Modeling Q&A / Re: 3D Clouds
« on: April 23, 2016, 07:36:59 am »
A thin enough water-based paint will act more like a dye, and bond more internally to the fibers.  Of course, real fabric dye is cheap enough at a craft store.  (And to think of how many people have died in the past to trade dye...)

The 3D terrain will be for aesthetics; we'll still be using the 2D cardstock templates to easily denote terrain boundaries.

I think, visually, building some kind of armature to elevate Andy's cotton would look the best, but I'm not sure...

1) what material to use for the armature?  It needs to be strong to not get destroyed during transport and 'tough' gameplay.
2) how do you adhere the cotton to the armature?  Do you even need to bother?

General Discussion / Re: Adepticon 2016
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:59:49 pm »
I posted photos of most of the Firestorm Armada Fleets in my blog, and will post photos of Cerberus Station and the three fleets contesting it this weekend.

We're also working hard to create several different Firestorm Armada Events for the 2016 NOVA in Alexandria, VA (just south of DC).  Greg and Andy will be getting our initial event packets in an e-mail, so we can discuss it during the next Podcast.  I'm hoping some of you can find a way to travel out for at least one of our FSA events.

Hopefully, the Podcast will coincide with the official announcement and open registration for the FSA events.

Find a Game! / Re: New FSA player looking for a Game
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:44:46 pm »
Maybe we can all crash Andy's place some weekend, and help with twins while we're there.  :D

In the meantime, I invite everyone to make the trek out to Games and Stuff on May 15th for out 600 point Tournament.

Find a Game! / Firestorm Armada, 600 point Tournament, Glen Burnie, MD
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:41:34 pm »
For those of you in the Washington DC/Baltimore area, we'll be holding at 600 point Tournament at Games and Stuff on May 15th.  We're looking to make this a fun and fast event, where everything can die, so there are no Battleships, Battlecarriers, Assault Carriers, or Battlestations.  There are also no Admirals, so Heavy Cruisers and Gunships will be viable Tier 1 choices for many factions.

I'll be posting the Tournament Packet to my website tomorrow:

It's too bad you guys are way out in Colorado; this looks like it'll be a great event!

Modeling Q&A / 3D Clouds
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:23:34 pm »
As I start ramping up for another Tournament and other events, we're looking to build a 3D Terrain collection for Firestorm Armada. Asteroids and Debris Fields are pretty easy, but we're kinda stumped on how to handle Gas Clouds. Cotton seems like the only material to use, but maybe there's something else?

In addition, what's the best way to paint it? What would a space gas cloud look like?

Finally, how do you put it on the table? I see the following options:

1) Just place the cotton on the table
2) Place the cotton on a round base, which allows the construction of a large mass
3) Build some kind framework to place on a elevated stand, and cover with cotton while obscuring the frame

Of the three, #2 seems best, as long as it doesn't end up looking like a column of smoke... Would it be bad if a Gas Cloud was represented by a few cotton columns?

If you have any suggestions from your playing experience, please post them here. And if you can include links to photos, that would be even better.

DWVA / Re: Spartan event at NOVA Open 2016
« on: April 08, 2016, 07:05:12 pm »
Thought you would appreciate an update; NOVA has basically given us the green light to run Firestorm Armada events on 8-12 tables for the entire NOVA Open.  Hopefully they'll be updating their calendar and registration on April 15th to reflect this, which is when I'd say it's "official".

Firestorm Armada / Re: Battle Shunt Question
« on: March 09, 2016, 04:30:02 am »
Let's see what the rules say:

To make a Battle Shunt, the controlling player must first declare the direction and final orientation of the model that is about to perform the Battle Shunt.The final orientation must be a direction, it is not acceptable to declare a particular target to be a model’s orientation after a Battle Shunt.

The procedure seems pretty clear to me.  It specifically says to NOT do what the OP is doing.  It also does not say to use the random direction template; it says you can choose ANY direction.

So for the new Relthoza Gunships, you'll need to line up on your target before you move, and then Battle Shunt along that Fore Fixed channel.  Two tactics:

1). Hop backwards, which should allow you to maintain the 20"-30" spacing you want for Stealth + Difficult Target
2). Jump behind your target, unloading with point-blank beams and torpedoes.

Firestorm Armada / Re: Second Attpempt at my Adepticon List
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:32:48 am »
 I also do not know how much utility you will gain from the interceptors; swapping them for fighters is  possibly a better option,  unless you have a specific unit you wish to guard with the interceptor token… Like those cruisers.

Sadly, this would require several playtest games, which I know you cannot do.

Firestorm Armada / Re: Battle Report: Terrans Vs. Dindrenzi, Round 2
« on: February 27, 2016, 08:17:52 am »
Yup, no Dindrenzi Tier 2.

Taking the Terran Escorts does a few things:

1 builds a huge PD+Shield Mountain no one wants to waste Torpedos on.
2 makes you an extremely hard boarding target
3 creates a zone enemy SRS do not want to approach

Of these, #1 is the least important to Terrans.  And as pointed out, it just forces the Torps elsewhere.  Now, if you make elsewhere a PD mountain (which is what I did against you) then it works well.

 Finally, there is one benefit to all escorts: another small target. If you're opponent has to choose between shooting Escorts and 3 Frigate Squadrons, he's more likely to make the wrong choice.

Firestorm Armada / Re: Thoughts on Fleet Design.....
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:36:23 pm »
 That is a solid list; I would adjust the praetorian quite a bit though. My current floss fee is to always bring five interceptors with it.

 If you want DR 5 on your cruisers, upgrade to the heavy cruisers.

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