Author Topic: Mid-Year Review  (Read 499 times)

Easy E

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Mid-Year Review
« on: July 06, 2023, 11:24:51 am »
So, we are half-way through 2023.  What have you got done or started? 

For me, I have managed to do some Naval and Aircraft wargaming this year.  Nothing ground breaking, but more than some other years have been. 

1. I have managed a couple games of Poseidon's Warriors for my Ionian Revolt campaign with my skumgrod.
 - Both fleets were 3D printed and painted over the course of the last year. 

2. A game of Aeronautica Imperialis V1
- Mostly homemade aircraft for this one, and a few Spartan minis too.

3. 3D Printed some Subs for a 40K-inspired Naval game

In progress, I have a Castles in the Sky game in order to wrap up our Indo-China campaign.  However, real life keeps getting in the way of finishing the campaign! 

There is other stuff going on too, but it is not Naval related:

However, I want to hear and be inspired by you!  What Naval related gaming have you done, ships printed and painted, etc.  This thread demands pictures! 
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Re: Mid-Year Review
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2023, 11:51:48 pm »
For the first half of the year, only one more Clone Wars ship painted up and no new modeling.  There are a few of the ship models I may revisit, but I am already well out of canon and down to a bare handful of any newer ships that would fit, so this project is mostly over.

Slightly more ships painted for Armada so far, seven, which can be found on my Armada shipyard thread, and new for this year are the start of a Dwarf fleet.  I have settled on a blue primary scheme for these ships with the minor decking present on their ships as a light tone wood matching my Basileans as the main Dwarf settlements neighbor Basilea in Mantic’s setting.  These should be a quicker turnaround as none of their ships lend themselves to PSB crewing, and I have had no new modeling of note for Armada this year.

But as far as other naval modeling goes, I have two more projects still in proof of concept that may or may not be realized with 9 models finished or reworked from 2019 on the one so far, and 3 models finished on the other.  I have figured out a few new techniques during their development and if neither makes it to the point of to being presentable I will at least have some pictures of the features that did work.

Going forward, I am planning on focusing on Mantic’s Vault releases for Armada that cover the gaps in my collection so far, and getting them painted up for the table.
If my wife asks, I only spent half as much as I wanted to...


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Re: Mid-Year Review
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2023, 05:01:23 pm »
I've been a bit off my painting game this year, atleast with naval stuff. I've gotten a few ships done for ABS, and some squadrons done for SW Armada. There has been some 1/1800 WWII stuff I've been painting with an eye towards selling them on Etsy. I've also been printing a ton of stuff that I haven't quite gotten painted yet  ;D