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Messages - Quickdraw

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DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: March 28, 2018, 11:49:28 am »
In addition it could be cool to include a monetary system for upgrades/repairs.

There's a whole campaign system for X-Wing for a group of Rebel pilots to co-op through AI-script-run Imperial Scenarios, and after each game they get upgrade "experience". I'd guess by now they have an imperial side version, but we could use those to guide our upgrades ... have all our X-Wing games involve set Squadrons and see how they advance, lose pilots, etc

I'll find the material online later this week.

That might be too linear for our purposes. As we are considering a large scale game with multiple players on each side. But the missions from that game could be helpful in providing inspiration for the types of X-Wing games we want to have.

DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: March 28, 2018, 10:07:45 am »
Quickdraw, those are some great examples, and I like the idea of using starfighter combat to influence the fleet and ground battles. Off the top of my head:

-Destroy a freighter convoy to deny one side or the other the use of specific upgrades (i.e. grenades, ion weapons, etc) in the next Legions battle

-assault an Imperial comms satellite (I've already written up this scenario) to give the Rebel fleet commander a boost to initiative in the next Armada game

-win a victory over the opponent to give your fleet initiative in the first three turns of the next Armada game

Etc, etc.

We could build a table with several mission types (like the ones you mentioned and the ones I listed above), and whenever there is an X-Wing game the player whose side has initiative chooses what mission he wants to play. I thought about tying the table to a D6 roll, but then you'd have to bring everything for every possible scenario to each game (shuttles, freighters, etc), which could be cumbersome.

It doesn’t even need to be this specific necessarily. Could be a lot more free form. Just as long as there is a way to “schedule” or “trigger” X-Wing games throughout the campaign. Then have the narrative of the campaign build itself and create the objectives and benefits  for each game. Could make it a lot more cinematic, instead of the structure and potential randomness of tables.
For instance: If there is an X-Wing game before each Armada game, then maybe whichever side wins the armada game they can choose to force an X-Wing game to affect the next Legion game. So on and so forth.
In addition it could be cool to include a monetary system for upgrades/repairs. A faction could also use their money to hire mercenaries (ie. scum and villainy) to attack the opponents and cost them money. This is a way to involve the unique scum and villainy faction that is not in armada or legion.  Maybe a potential 3 for 1 type of transaction. “It costs 10 credits to hire a gang of thugs to cripple an enemy fighter squadron, resulting in the enemy losing 30 credits.” Or something like that.

DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: March 27, 2018, 09:00:54 am »
X-Wing games could provide special objectives and create bonuses for the Armada and Legion games.
~Destroy this Imperial Shuttle to deny an important crew member on a star destroyer.~
~Get the jump on that rebel star fighter patrol to clear the way for an advanced strike team to land on X planet.~
Stuff like that could be neat.

The War for Jubilee III Sigma / Re: The Battle for Jubilee III Sigma
« on: March 19, 2018, 11:08:37 pm »
Good stuff good stuff.
Like Landlubber said, as we get into this campaign I’m sure we are going to find stuff that needs to be tweaked and modified, so bear with us while we stumble through it.
The first game was eye opening for both of us. We discovered pretty quickly that our forces are going to suffer pretty mightily. I think we both got the sense that we are going to want to be much more careful with our ships in the future.
A big thing for me was boarding the station and activating the guns, my initial thought was of pretty serious frustration as I didn’t get anything fun or useful out of it, but after thinking about it I got over that. It’s all a part of the fun of the campaign and creating a thematic story.
The Covenant definitely came out of this game on top, both in experience and with losses. They only lost one capital element with two other elements damaged, as well as only losing one of my rather large force of zealots.
Hopefully they can take the initiative after this next engagement!

General Discussion / Re: Miniature Storage & Transport
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:04:38 pm »
For naval models you can use the same method as modern 28mm gamers.
Sink a magnet or two in the bottom, put a sheet of thin metal in a shallow tub, and stick em in there.
For space models you can do a similar thing but you might have to be creative with your clear bases.
You can a bag of cheap rare earth magnets online for almost nothing.

DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: February 27, 2018, 06:24:06 pm »
Dale I’m still looking to start up Firestorm Armada again if you’re interested.

DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: January 07, 2018, 04:32:36 pm »
This is shaping up to be a good gaming day. Can’t wait.

DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: January 04, 2018, 08:12:53 pm »
We could always try to grab a couple tables and have a nice mishmash if games going. That wouldn’t be bad at all. give us a chance to see some other stuff as well.
How many points of Syndicate are you able to field Dale?

DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: January 01, 2018, 11:06:41 am »
That day works for me as well.

The Showcase / Re: The Painting Year in Review--2017
« on: January 01, 2018, 11:05:05 am »
Good looking painting this year from you guys! I was going to post my year in review but struggled with uploading and said “forget it”.
Only a few French ships and some PLC got paint in 2017 anyways, a lot of non-naval painting instead. Looking forward to some more great painting this year!

DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: December 28, 2017, 11:04:07 pm »
I would really like to get a game of Firestorm! It’s been a long time.

DWCO Events / Re: Denver Area Gamers Scheduling Thread
« on: November 29, 2017, 11:30:10 pm »
Welcome! Our usual large meet up has been pretty slim recently, I haven’t made it in months due to work. However, I know that myself, Landlubber, and CaptainRockman are all fairly regular players. Shoot me a PM and we can try to schedule a time to meet.

General Discussion / Re: MBS Monthly Poll #18
« on: November 15, 2017, 11:54:56 pm »
The big Labor Day narrative game of Dystopian Wars Landlubber and I played was a high point for me. The fleets looked great and building a great background really got us involved.

Dystopian Wars / Re: The Corsican Incident
« on: October 20, 2017, 08:39:12 am »
Nice! Those paint jobs are looking good.

The Shipyard / Re: My Firestorm Armada wips
« on: October 11, 2017, 08:06:16 pm »
There are those great looking yellow RSN I remember from the Spartan forum.
The additions to the dreadnaught look really awesome. Nice work.

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