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Topics - aexaex

Pages: [1]
Public Rolls / Aexaex (lewis) eldar fleet rolls
« on: January 11, 2017, 08:40:42 pm »
Pirate Prince: Ieruier (The first one)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Hîn -o i elena (children of the stars)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Gwanur -o gurth (Brothers of Death)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Glinn- magol (Swords Song)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Naur ae   (Fire Birds)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Nor- lhúg plural lyg (Fast Snakes)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Manadh nadhor  (Doom Rats)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Calen aur (Green Day)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Garav -o i thúl  (Wolfs Of The Wind)
'' is not a valid dice string!

Name: Heleg lúg (Ice Dragon)
'' is not a valid dice string!

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Aexaex (Lewis) Eldar Fleet List
« on: January 11, 2017, 07:33:26 pm »
Pirate Prince: Ieruier (The first one)
Points 100
Base location[spoiler]MIZAR-47[/spoiler]
Re-Rolls: 1
Rank: Lord
Renown: 6
Note: The flagship is marked with a yellow sail

Class: Hemlock
Name: Hîn -o i elena (children of the stars)
Ld: 8  Pts: 200
Strength: 5 ships
Notes: 1 ship repaired
Battles:The Canova brakeout 
Kills: 1 ship lost

Class: Hemlock
Name: Gwanur -o gurth (Brothers of Death)
Ld: 8  Pts: 120
Strength: 3 ships

Class: Hemlock
Name: Naur ae   (Fire Birds)
Ld: 10  Pts: 160
Strength: 4 ships
Battles: The Canova brakeout
Kills: 1 ship lost

Class: Hemlock
Name: Manadh nadhor  (Doom Rats)
Ld: 10  Pts: 120
Strength: 3 ships
Battles: The Canova brakeout
Kills: 1 ship lost

Class: Hemlock
Name: Calen aur (Green Day)
Ld: 9  Pts: 160
Strength: 4 ships

Class: Hemlock
Name: Garav -o i thúl  (Wolfs Of The Wind)
Ld: 8  Pts: 160
Strength: 4 ships

Class: Hemlock
Name: Heleg lúg (Ice Dragon)
Ld: 9  Pts: 80
Strength: 2 ships

The ever on patrol

Class: Hemlock
Name: Nor- lhúg plural lyg (Fast Snakes) Destroyed The Canova brakeout
Ld: 8  Pts: 200
Strength: 5 ships
Battles: The Canova brakeout

Class: Hemlock
Name: Glinn- magol (Swords Song) Destroyed The Canova brakeout
Ld: 9  Pts: 120
Strength: 3 ships
Battles: The Canova brakeout

Find a Game! / Battlefleet Gothic game in DC VA or MD on Oct 29 or 30
« on: October 26, 2016, 05:54:15 pm »
looking for a BFG game this weekend I can do E and E or gamevault or any other space ship friendly place. I have a imperial and and an Elder fleet and can do up 2000 points in ether.


Roll Call / new in DC
« on: October 21, 2016, 06:52:32 pm »
Hi im Lewis moved to DC from Seattle last summer play BFG just found this forum when i put a post on the specialist arms forum to see if there where any BFG players in the area and it turns out the guy who answered is Ruckdog.

so this is very cool

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