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Topics - Landlubber

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Dystopian Wars / First All-Air Battle: FSA vs CoA
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:49:57 pm »
So I met my friend Ken this evening for a little DW, and we decided to play an all-aerial game.  We each fielded a Sky Fortress, a large flyer, a squadron of medium flyers, and two squadrons of tiny flyers (1 fighter squadron & 1 dive bomber squadron for me, 2 fighter squadrons for him).

On paper, FSA flyers are pretty delicate compared to the CoA flyers.  All of his ships had shield generators, and none of my FSA flyers carry generators of any type.  Plus, FSA flyers have a lot of rocket AD, but this is usually largely wasted on Covenant ships due to having to get through AA fire AND shields.

A brief synopsis on how it went down:

Turn 1 saw some jockeying for position-- FSA medium, large, and massive flyers have decent broadsides in RB1 & 2, so I was trying to line up some long-range rocket shots while setting up some broadside opportunities in Turn 2.  Lucky rocket AD on my part, and bad AA and shield dice on Ken's part saw his Daedelus large flyer take a fusion leak crit, and my Valley-class large flyer took a nav lock crit.  Most of the other ships got out of Turn 1 unscathed.

Turn 2 saw both large flyers go down in flames, one right after the other.  The Valley fell prey to his medium flyers, and I cannot remember which of my ships took down the Daedelus.  He took some light damage to his medium flyers, and I did as well.

Turn 3 was the kicker.  I got initiative and realized that 1), I had almost 20 AP on my Lee scout ships; 2), I could easily get within boarding range of his perfectly healthy sky fortress; and 3), none of his ships were close enough to harass my Lee's if I failed the boarding assault.  Well, no guts, no air medal, as the saying goes, so a-boarding we went.  My 18 AP easily overpowered his marines, and I took his sky fortress as a prize.

Turns 4, 5, and 6 saw him kill off one of my Lee's, and knock 4 HP off my sky fortress.  He still had all 4 of his medium flyers left, although I whittled their HP down somewhat.

FSA won the day on points--most coming from the prized sky fortress.  I will admit up front that my AA gunners definitely ate their Wheaties this morning.  Ken had some bad dice rolls at a few critical junctures.  But I will say that his medium flyers were almost impossible to damage. 

A few observations on playing an all-air game:

1.  Nothing blocks line of sight, which works both ways (we didn't have any terrain on the board).

2.  Don't forget your defensive AA.  Every target is an aerial vehicle; if it rolls up on you in RB1 to give you a full broadside, you get defensive AA first.  This messed up attack plans for both of us.

3.  Tiny flyers aren't as scary against other flyers.  Can't use torpedo bombers, and dive bombers hit medium-class and above only on 5's, not 3's.  We did allow fighters to conduct AA attacks against any aerial vehicles on the board--couldn't find anything in the rule book saying that you can't use tiny flyer fighters that way.  This was new for me, as I had only ever used them against other tiny flyer formations.  For the FSA, I had 10 AD of AA for a squadron of fighters.  Not too shabby.

Looking forward to hearing about any other all-air engagements.  Thanks for reading!

The Showcase / Zeus-class Warstar finished
« on: September 29, 2012, 10:36:30 pm »
Here she is, finally done.  Comments/constructive criticism welcome.

The Shipyard / Zeus-class Warstar
« on: August 05, 2012, 11:51:39 am »
Here are some in-progress pictures of a Zeus-class Warstar that I picked up at Historicon.  This ship would be used in a Battlestar Galactica-themed game, but I'm probably just going to use it as a display piece.

Here is the model ( only 2 pieces) unpainted (the material is white metal, I believe):

First coat of paint--GW's Fortress Grey:

Black ink wash:

Followed by a dry-brushing of Fortress Grey:

And now, a first pass at the paneling.  Battlestars have a textured surface, not unlike the "aztek" pattern seen on Federation vessels in Star Trek.  The black wash and subsequent dry-brush really made the panels on this ship stand out, so I'm going over them with several different colors:  light grey, gunmetal, and dark ghost grey from Testors; grimy black from Polly Scale, and Codex Grey from GW.

Will probably do one or two more passes on the paneling, and then dry brush it again with Fortress Grey to even out the colors.  Then I'll move on to the engines and weapons.

Thanks for looking!

DWVA / Eagle and Empire
« on: June 19, 2012, 07:09:18 pm »
So, let's keep this thread going for players who want to meet up at Eagle and Empire in Alexandria.

I plan to be there this Friday evening around 5:30 p.m., and can game until the store closes at 10.  Might bring the FSA, might bring the French...but I'm definitely bringing new dice.

Come out and play if you can!

Modeling Q&A / FLYING Tiny Fliers (Dystopian Wars)
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:28:56 pm »
Until recently, I had always found tiny fliers in Dystopian Wars to be a pain in the butt to keep up with.  However, with the recent rules revisions, using them has become both easier and more effective.

One problem remained for me, however:  the model tokens themselves sit on the tabletop at the same level as the surface ships/land forces.  All the other flying models in Dystopian Wars have flight stands, but not the tiny fliers.

So, with a little superglue, some magnets, and some spare flight stands, I came up with my own solution (drumroll please):

Basically, I put magnets on one flight stand to hold 5 tokens of tiny fliers, and then connected it to the post of another flight stand using a magnet:

The rules are specific about squadron formations, so I placed the magnets in such a way that I could remove tokens as the fighters were shot down, and still maintain the proper formation:

Now, I will confess that I have not yet tried this out on the tabletop, but I don't foresee any serious problems.  This set up will get the tiny flier tokens out of the way of the surface models, and will keep them all easily in the same place.  I should probably order some counters from Litko to keep track of fuel; I could glue those straight to the base.

When I get them painted, I'll post more pics, and I'll post some pics of them in action on the tabletop.

Comments/criticisms welcome!

The Showcase / No-frills FSA
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:13:36 pm »
I prefer my ships to have a "raw" look, so I've gone with more of a steel-and-wood theme.  I also paint pretty slowly, so I don't have everything done yet, but here's my FSA dreadnaught:

I actually have a few other models finished, but I just don't have any pictures of them.  Will get them posted up here as I do.  I'm still getting used to the forum, so let me know if you all have problems seeing the pictures or getting the links to work.

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