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Topics - KazadHarri

Pages: [1]
Modeling Q&A / Clear Bases and Labels
« on: January 22, 2018, 09:27:54 am »
Over the past 25+ years I have always based my ships on mat board/or plastic and then painted the bases, and wakes.  So over the course of all those years I have ended up with many different colored oceans, and bases.  Due to a recent move to Germany my age of sail ships looked like they went through a hurricane and need to be rerigged, and rebased.  I had started a project with my WWI ships and had started to convert them to clear bases, which I like since with the great new ocean mats out there.  I like that the ship always appears to be on that ocean, and not floating on its own colored piece of water.  So to make a long story short, what do people feel like with labels on the bases?  I never have done that, always just wrote on the underside of the base.  But with clear bases that is not an option.  So is there a preference for subdued (ie..Black label with ship names) or go with a flag and the ships name?  Or no label at all.

Roll Call / Reporting Aboard
« on: December 17, 2017, 12:41:05 pm »
Hello All,
Been lurking for a few months, and excited to join the community. 
Have been playing Naval Wargames since the mid 1980's in college.  Currently located in Germany, and so currently tossed ashore. 
Interests include Napoleonic Naval, WWI and Space games.
Retired as a Surface Warfare Officer from the US Navy.  Served as an Ensign on the USS New Jersey (BB-62) in the late 80's. 

Roll Call / Greetings from Stuttgart
« on: March 05, 2017, 01:00:52 pm »
Doing some time in Stuttgart, Germany and looking for anyone around to game with possible. 
right now start to reconstruct my WWI and pre-dread fleets, as well as Napoleonic Naval. 

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