Formal sponsorship by GAMER'S HAVEN
Discussion thread here:!
Sign up now if interested! Feb 12th, 4 to 11:30 , Firestorm Armada Tourney
Sat Feb 13th, 4:30- Midnight, Planetfall Tourney
If you can make it, please let me know! Mats and terrain help is welcome!
All might be on 4x4s, but we'll scrounge for more space the day of.
Spartan Prize support is in-hand, as well as con prize support (depending on sign ups)
EDIT: Repeating my last post below:
Please signup for ALL THREE rounds for each event. Sorry for any confusion there.
Firestorm Armada Missions will resemble these Adepticon Primer Missions here: Missions will either use the pending Adepticon Primer missions (TBD) or will use scenarios similar to the forum posting here: am not requiring Painting to participate, but there will be Prize Certificates for Best Painted.
Regular prize support will cover Best Sportsmanship, and 3rd through 1st Places!
Plus, if we get decent turn-out, I understand there will be Con Prize support.
If you are bringing mats or terrain, please let me know!