Author Topic: AI and Naval Wargames  (Read 600 times)


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AI and Naval Wargames
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:14:32 pm »
While I have never used a language model AI to prepare any writing project, or given any input or prompts to one, I did have an output only tag come up from Bing’s Copilot GPT that may be of interest.  I do disable the predictive assistant each and every time the browser updates, so the below tag was personalized solely from my search history…
What are some popular naval miniatures wargames and their rules and strategies

For the first time ever I clicked on a tagged suggestion, and Copilot then gave me the following recommendations: Victory at Sea, Black Seas, Topside Minis.

Victory at Sea at number 1 makes a lot of sense as it is probably the best selling historical naval game currently, with their drawn source being total searches.

Black Seas at number 2 was again a historical naval game, and the two sentence summary did give an overview of the setting and some of the mechanics, but not the initiative system which was its most innovative one.

Topside Minis was the biggest surprise at number 3, which I thought was a mistake at first but then found their pdf download for WWII actions on the site so there are starter rules available.  All in all, that would be a success for Topside’s SEO that their search presence is large enough to make it into Copilot’s top three picks.

I have searched for each of the above, but not for several months, so their detection algorithms are good enough to recognize an interest in naval games, but not very specific yet as each of the above are all historical entries instead of science fiction or fantasy.  As far as browsers go, on game searches, the predictors have a long way to go to reach HAL 9000 status, much less Skynet level, but I would start to be concerned if the above recommendations were all Armada and Homeworld though…
If my wife asks, I only spent half as much as I wanted to...

Easy E

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Re: AI and Naval Wargames
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2024, 04:56:12 pm »
Might also be pulling a bit from your own cookie history! 
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