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Dystopian Wars / Coming Back to DW
« on: March 01, 2020, 01:43:51 pm »
I stopped playing DW a little after my son was born.  Just got burned out on the faction inflation and ran out of time.  I haven't really played it since, mostly scratched that itch with x-wing and a little bit of warmahordes.  Recently my son (now 7) asked about all the painted ships I have and why I don't do anything with them and you know, good question.  So I started poking around again.

I knew that Warcradle had picked up the license but I missed out on everything since then.  Full credit to them for making a go of it, it isn't easy, but whoever their new game is for, it isn't me.  I'm not interested in replacing my large, fully painted fleets; if I was, the direction of their new models does nothing for me; and the rules changes they're looking at seem to be mostly tinkering around the edges.   

In a perfect world, what I'd want is a much better ruleset that works with the existing models.  Since that doesn't seem to be what 3.0 will be, I've been looking elsewhere.  2.5 is better than previous versions but still very unwieldy and clunky.  I started kicking around ideas for a ground-up rewrite but that's a lot of work for something nobody would use (not that that has ever stopped me before).  I'm also thinking about starting with 2.5 and seriously cleaning up parts of it, with a rewrite and some heavy editing it might get to a decent place.  I was hoping someone might have taken a run at that already but all I can find are some balance fixes to the 2.5 stuff.

So is anybody still playing and if so, what rules are you using? 

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