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News and Rumors / Re: Armada Campaign: Shadowed Horizons
« Last post by Easy E on September 13, 2023, 11:38:23 am »
I am a huge sucker for these types of events.
News and Rumors / Star Trek: Into the Unknown
« Last post by Ruckdog on September 08, 2023, 07:56:37 pm »
Looks like Wizkids is coming out with a new Star Trek miniatures game! There was a member of the Star Trek Attack Wing FB group that posted videos from a recent presentation given at a trade show. I'm not 100% which show it was, but the pics shown look very interesting. A few tidbits:

-New minis and a new scale from STAW
-Overall larger size of models (in the range of SW Armada)
-Does NOT appear to be a reskin of SW Armada
-The core set is going to be Feds Vs. Dominion, retail for $150US, and is scheduled to hit in April 2024

Here are the pics that were posted on FB:

I don't know a whole lot else other than what was shown in these pics. There doesn't even seem to be an official announcement on the Wizkids website yet. I am very interested in a new Star Trek minis game though!

The Shipyard / Re: Armada Conversions
« Last post by Ruckdog on September 08, 2023, 07:34:15 pm »
I really like the envelopes on those air ships! The alternating colors on the panels really make them pop.
Space Naval Games / Metaverse (Free Space Combat Game)
« Last post by Ruckdog on September 08, 2023, 07:33:26 pm »
I stumbled across a free space combat ruleset I hadn't heard of before called Metaverse. Here is the link:

Seems like a very flexible set of rules. The rules themselves are free, but it seems there is a monthly subscription to gain access to the stat generator. It seems pretty low, though...$12CDN for a whole year.

Anyone ever hear of these rules before or  have any experience with them?
News and Rumors / Armada Campaign: Shadowed Horizons
« Last post by Kelly on September 08, 2023, 06:41:49 pm »
This year’s global campaign has launched for Kings of War and Armada, Shadowed Horizons, along with fiction to be updated with the results from the game tracker.

While the majority of the focus is on the land side of the conflict, Mantic has set aside a portion of the campaign exclusively for Armada... the first entries in the story of Shadowed Horizons are broken up into [The War on Land] for KoW and [The War at Sea] for Armada.  There is no detailed map specific to the area being fought over as in the prior campaign Halpi’s Rift, but with each installment they are marking locations of importance upon their world map which should be highlighted as the event progresses across the sea and down the mountains.

The game reporting only covers the winning and losing fleets, with point total and scenario book besides, so the data collection set is not as detailed as the prior campaign, but every other piece of the campaign looks a lot more robust than before.
The Shipyard / Re: Armada Conversions
« Last post by Kelly on September 08, 2023, 06:34:57 pm »
The Dwarf ships are all heavy, single blocks and I thought it might be time to work on something a little lighter…

…like their airships!  These were a little difficult to manage while painting as they are very top-heavy, but the main issue was that they have a heptagonal cross section for some reason (I have another heptagonal project I have been putting off for months) and my plan was to break up the expanse of the balloon.  Seven is impossible to divide, and it was at least a week of trials until I remembered that that multiplying by two will always result in an even number, so here we are with a 14 checker pattern.

No PSBs again, I think all the Dwarves in the setting are smart enough to stay inside when the shooting starts.
The Shipyard / Re: DW 3.0 Prussian Imperium Project
« Last post by Ruckdog on September 07, 2023, 08:04:54 pm »
Looking good so far!  Will you be carrying over any of the older ships, or is this a clean slate?

I have a large collection of the old Prussians, but the goal is to start fresh with the new 3.0 models and grow from there. I'm planning a little campaign with my friend here in the Norfolk area.
The Shipyard / Re: Star Wars second pass
« Last post by Easy E on September 05, 2023, 11:57:26 am »
The Praetor looks great. 

I am curious how a galaxy a long time ago, and far, far away knows a reference to the Roman Republic though.  :P
General Discussion / Re: Perspectives on progress
« Last post by Easy E on September 05, 2023, 11:55:17 am »
As we say in the business world, "That which is measured, gets moved."

The Shipyard / Re: Armada Conversions
« Last post by Kelly on September 03, 2023, 11:57:58 pm »
I am still reworking my basing plans for Armada, but whatever shape they take, they will have plenty of details added.  My first test pieces for ships' boats are a little over 3/4 of an inch should easily fit around most medium and small size bases.

Also along the bottom are the first debris pieces.  Barrels did not work out as they were far too small, and masts will probably be too outsized for bases, so unless inspiration strikes, assorted plank lengths will be the extent of anything floating.
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