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Topics - Green Squad Leader

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MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Can we make a facebook group?
« on: April 03, 2017, 08:15:44 am »
So communicating via this forum and email has been proving a bit difficult given the distance between many of the players. Can we make a facebook group/other social media group for easier communications?  Face book messenger would allow us to communicate in real time more easily. Just a thought.

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Butchery at Butera
« on: February 27, 2017, 11:21:36 am »
EDITED: I rewrote a fair bit of this to account for some things I hadn't remembered correctly from the match, and I used the actual names of the crew Ruckdog had come up with.  Here's parts one and two, I'll finish the conclusion later.

Butchery at Butera pt 1

Captain Rubin surveyed the bridge of the Light Cruiser 'Daring', taking pride in the well oiled operations of his disciplined crew. While not a prideful man himself Rubin was the rare sort of naval commander who viewed mentoring the next generation of fresh ensigns and lieutenants to be one of his chief duties, and while his occasional untactful critiques of his superiors may have stymied his own career he took pride in the successes of those he trained.

The Daring was sailing as part of the escort of a supply convoy out of Butera. A Dozen heavily laden bulk carriers wallowed under several trillion tons of raw mineral ore.  While it was unusual to transport an entire years tithe in one convoy Admiral Goodenough had ordered the number of convoys be reduced to deter the increased xenos pirate activity within the subsector.  And so the Daring flew with the Dictator Class Cruiser Furious and a squadron of Sword Class frigates.  The mission so far had gone without incident, and after three days travel from Butera they were nearing the system's Mandeville point.

Seeing a small commotion by the sensorium  Rubin decided to use the uneventful mission as a training opportunity.  "Mr Keller, what seems to be the matter?" He asked the ensign overseeing the three monotasked servitors in charge of parsing the data from the Daring's myriad eyes in the void. 

"Its probably nothing Captain," the ensign said, standing smartly to attention, "but we're detecting several small warp rifts within a 6 million kilometer radius of the Mandeville point.  The spacial distortions keep giving the sensors fits, and we keep picking up ghost returns."  Gesturing at the scope, he added, "I took the liberty of inquiring with Mistress Malistlen, and she told me that the rifts 'taste' clean to her."

Rubin suppressed a smile at the thought of the Ensign suffering through a tirade from the Daring's Navigator for several minutes about being bothered with 'unimportant matters' before getting such an answer.

It wasn't really surprising news, each system's Mandeville point was after all the seemingly random spot in space where the veil of reality thinned enough to ease translation into the warp.  The sensor ghosts were probably nothing, but it never hurt to be sure of such things.  He was impressed by the boy's initiative and good sense though to check with that bothersome woman without needing his guidance, and it had saved him the earful.  This one was worth watching.

"Thank you Matteus, keep me apprised" he said before turning to his second in command. "Well you heard the situation, what's your analysis Lieutenant?"

Though bright Lieutenant Mumsdean had been a bit of a slacker in the academy, nearly being tossed out before his father called in a favour.  Sent to Rubin for "additional training" he had shaken down well over the last few months.

"Well the ghosts are probably nothing but without clearer intelligence it would be prudent to treat the Mandeville point as unsecured."

 Deciding to test the young man he asked, "I see, and how would you recommend we proceed then?"

"We could retask the Swords to sweep ahead of the convoy to take a closer look, and it would likely make sense to have the freighters drop speed until we've cleared the area."  Mumsdean replied.  "Total time for a full sweep of the area should not be more than 8 hours standard."

Rubin had already drawn the same conclusion, but wanting to see how well his 2nd would stand by his view he countered, "And what of the delay such a course of action would cause, I don't need to remind you that we are 2 days behind schedule already."

Mumsdean considered this for a moment, visibly searching for the correct way to tell his superior that he was wrong.  "Excellent, the boy's learning" Rubin thought.

"Thats true sir, but is it not better they arrive late rather than never." The Lieutenant finally answered.

"Indeed it is," Rubin replied, pleased that the boy had a spine. "Retask the 302nd and coordinate with the freighters, have them fall back by 500,000 kilometers. Apprise the Furious's officer of the watch, and place the fleet on alert."

His crew began putting his orders into action, reforming the convoy as the smaller frigates advanced to sweep the rifts. 36 minutes later the signal officer called out "Flag Captain Hoyt on the comm for you sir."  With a sense of resignation Rubin went to take the call.  While they shared the same rank Hoyt was the appointed commander of the mission.  It had been too much to hope that the he was actually asleep during Rubin's watch.

"Rubin what have you done with my fleet!" Hoyt sounded furious, and after a brief exchange he dismissed Rubin's concerns out of hand. "No one is stupid enough to hide that close to a warp rift.  We belong on the front, not babysitting some inbred ore haulers, and I will not extend this mission even longer because you can't keep your ship in working order. Resume formation and get us back on the timeline. Hoyt out."

Rubin wanted to tell the man exactly what he thought of his orders, specifically that his starched collar must have cut off circulation to his brain. Instead he relayed the orders to recall the swords and bring the freighters back up to speed.

Coming to his side Lieutenant Mumsdean whispered "Sir the 302nd is only 7 minutes from primary sensor range with the first rift, if we..."

Rubin held up his hand to silence the boy before he said something unfortunate.  "The convoy commander has issued his orders Lieutenant, see they are carried out."  Silently adding,  "And pray that he's right."

Public Rolls / Green Squad Leader's Orks
« on: February 19, 2017, 05:44:37 pm »
Ork leadership stuff.

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Pickup Game Thread
« on: January 31, 2017, 06:32:02 pm »
I was hoping to play my match with LT Dan tonight, but he doesn't seem to be on right now.  So I figured that I would check to see if anyone else is available to play a match tonight.  My idea for this thread is that if you plan to be available on any given day just post in this thread "Hey guys I'm on now" and such.

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Some extra resources
« on: January 16, 2017, 09:59:45 pm »
I've found a few extra resources which might be useful for the campaign.

First off here is an excerpt from the BFG 2002 annual which includes the pro and elder refit and crew skill tables:

Next is a copy of the BFG warpstorm magazine which has rules for generating sector maps and for integrating 40k into BFG campaigns:

And last is a very well design advanced campaign system. This system keeps track of individual ships and overall is very cool, I'd be interested in giving it a try in the future.

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Campaign Tokens and Markers
« on: January 16, 2017, 02:19:37 am »
If people need markers for ships, bases, and owning planets here are a bunch of tokens I made for a campaign I ran a decade ago in college, amazingly I managed to find them.

I tried putting the images in this post but apparently this forum doesn't want to show them, so here is the gallery:

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / War Boss MOOR DAKKA's Boyz and Udder Fings....
« on: January 15, 2017, 10:39:35 pm »
Here's my updated fleet.  Oddly I wasn't sure how I'm supposed to factor in how I have multiple commanders with campaign renown bonuses, for now I'm treating each of them as having their own renown that is totaled to get my faction's renown.

Total Fleet Renown:
Big Boss: Warboss MORR-DAKKA............Ld:.....Re-Rolls:.....Kustom Upgrades:
Renown: 12........................................N/A...........2...........Soopa Tellyporta, Extra Power Field
Clan: Goff
Assigned to: Da'Krusha
Cost:   30 pts
Boss: Bigmek Wizbang Fixa'Killa.............Ld:.....Re-Rolls:.....Kustom Upgrades:
Renown: 3..........................................N/A...........1..............Mad Meks
Clan: Bad Moons
Assigned to: Da'Freema
Cost:   30 pts
Nobz: Slackjaw.......................................Kustom Upgrades:
Assigned to: Da'Karrier......................................Grot Riggas                     
Cost:   35

Nobz: Feezgut.............................................Kustom Upgrades:
Assigned to: Da'Karrier......................................Grot Riggas                     
Cost: 35
Name: Da'Krusha
Type: Hammer Class Battle Kroozer
Options:  Kustom Force Field +20 pts                   
Current Health (10/10).....Ld: 5
Crew Skills: None
Refits: None
Cost:   255             
Name: Da'Freema
Type: Kill Kroozer
Options:  Port and Starboard Zzapp Gunz (+20 pts), Kustom Force Field +15 pts                   
Current Health (10/10).....Ld: 5
Crew Skills: None
Refits: None                           
Cost:  200
Name: Da'Smasha
Type: Kill Kroozer
Options:  Kustom Force Field +15 pts                   
Current Health (10/10).....Ld: 6
Crew Skills: None
Refits: Weirdboy Tower (+10%)
Cost:   198
Name: Da'Karrier
Type: Terror Ship
Options:  Prow Torpedoes +10 pts , Kustom Force Field +15 pts                   
Current Health (10/10).....Ld: 5
Crew Skills: None
Cost:  210

Name: Lil'Freema
Type: Basha Lite Kroozer
Options:  Prow Zzap Gunz  +15 pts , Kustom Force Field +15 pts                   
Current Health (8/8).....Ld: 5
Crew Skills: None
Cost:   140
Name:    Sok'em
Type:   Basha Lite Kroozer
Options:  Kustom Force Field +15 pts                   
Current Health (8/8).....Ld: 5
Crew Skills: None
Cost:   125
Name: Da Shooty 'gitz
Type: Onslaught Attack Ships
Options:  None           
Current Health (5/5 ships).....Ld: 6
Crew Skills: None
Cost:  125                     
Name: Da 'Ull Splittas
Type: Ravager Attack Ships
Options:  None       
Current Health (5/5 ships).....Ld: 5
Crew Skills: None
Cost:   175
Name: Da 'Rammas
Type: Brute Ram Ships
Options:  None       
Current Health (8/8 ships).....Ld: 5
Crew Skills: None
Cost:   160

Name: Da 'Sluggas
Type: Savage Gunships
Options:  Soopa Boostas
Current Health (2/5 ships).....Ld: 5
Crew Skills: None
Cost:  150
Name: Da 'Sluggas
Type: Savage Gunships
Options:  Soopa Boostas, Prow Zzapp Gunz
Current Health (5/5 ships).....Ld: 6
Crew Skills: None
Cost:   150                   

Total cost: 2018 points (extra 18 points are from a refit, the rest of the list represents my original core list.

All capital ships now have Kustom Force Fields (shields are now a 1D3, rolled when first hit each turn.)
+1 Onslaugh Attack Ship
+2 Ravager Attack Ships
+3 Brute Ramships
+3 Savage Gunships

I've also adjusted the leadership values of my ships to reflect the fact that everything has died so far save the Bashas and Da'Smasha.

******************ORIGINAL POST:*********************
So I need people's feedback to build my list.  The issue is that in the rules compendium there are 3-4 rules sources for Orks.  There is the original fleet list in the core BFG rulebook, the expanded list in BFG Armada, the Ork Clanz rules from into the warp, and a few other things from into the warp as well.  Given that we are using rules which are 7 years out of date that's what I have to work with list building wise.

For the campaign there are 2 fleet lists I can pull from.  There is the original Ork Pirate Fleet list from the core rules, with its whopping 6 ships to choose from...

Its not a viable faction or much fun to use.

Alternatively I can run the Ork WAAAAGH!!! fleet list from BFG Armada, that has NEARLY the full array of Ork vessels as options.  The Ork Clanz article has a LOT of extra crap which is rather poorly written and not really very functional but it did add our one Lite Krooser option.

I'd prefer to just use the current Ork rules from the BFG:XR community.  That way I have one list to pull from with all of the rules from all sources in a single document and without the old balance issues.  Note this means I can't make the mega torpedo doomsday cheese list (10d6+20 torpedoes per salvo in 10 seperate stands with rerolls and leadership bonuses to reload. Its only about 350 points.).  The original rules allow me to.

So aside from that request I also need to know whether I have 2000 points as a full player or if I am stuck with the 1500 that NPC pirate factions get.  I say NPC as the original campaign rules system specifies that I cannot win, claim territory, or fight larger games...

If anyone lives in New England, USA we could play in person.

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