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Messages - CDR-G

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Dystopian Wars / Re: PE model comparisons BBs
« on: January 25, 2018, 11:21:39 pm »
Well, is the Emperor redundant?
Compare the Emperor with shields to the Eider MKI with Shields (205 vs 200)
Emperor, Aggressive crew questionable value- Stoic would be of more value, Eider -Elite crew, now where talking.
Emperor 11CR vs 10CR for the Eider Not a trivial difference, getting that 11th hit could be hard.
Eider, stronger RB3 broadsides, RB2 Hmm more complicated; 7 vs 5 BS-that's a significant difference, but the additional 6 Tesla BS may balance the issue.
Aft Teslas on the Emperor-Meh-somebody must make good use of it, but honestly I forget its there
The main guns: a big difference here, Close Quarter Gunnery and High Angle, Wow, Add some Wachters and you have a very dangerous close in Brawler

Gotta go with the Eider even though the Emperor is a great looking model. Going Elite with the Emperor would help but then its 5 points more expensive and still doesn't have CQG and HA.

Dystopian Wars / Re: PE model comparisons
« on: January 25, 2018, 10:15:51 pm »
"The Stolz I think gets a bum rap; the last game I used them in, they did well. Its just that they are an average unit competing against a field of "best in class" units."
Concur, the additions Spartan added didn't really address the concerns for it. Its tough and dangerous, but I struggle to choose it over others, mostly because of the lack of RB3. RB3 effectiveness is a critical capability in DW, to the point of decisiveness. Without it you are likely to lose those units in the first turn, complicating your first turn movement because you are on the wrong side of the counter strike tactic that dominates so much of the available targeting in DW, especially with weaker units.
If through terrain of screening you can protect them until they can get into RB2, (really RB1) they can hurt.
I am in the group that it should be like the Russians- Like 6/4/4. OR give it a 4DR/5CR and make it a Heavy Destroyer.

Dystopian Wars / Re: PE model comparisons
« on: January 25, 2018, 08:16:29 pm »
PE smalls, talk about spoiled for choice!. The Wachter is outstanding as an escort. The special squadron of the Konigsburg with 3 Wachters is impressive. The Arminius is super and the Saxony is among the best of the corvettes.

Dystopian Wars / Re: PE model comparisons
« on: January 25, 2018, 08:03:59 pm »
Just played a game using Lahns. I used them to attack a KoB Medium Bomber at stratospheric height at range band 1. 6 +3x6/2 = 15 plus 3 = 18 AD hitting on 5-6.
Yeah, it was wounded from a fighter attack, then the Lahns killed it--OOF!
Literally a game changer in this instance.
Previously they ravaged a squadron of Stalwarts. Four cruiser guns for 2/3 the price. Oh and more HPs.
Yeah, I guess I'm Lahn fan.

Dystopian Wars / PE model comparisons
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:10:30 pm »
3x Donnerfaust vs. 4x Lahns?
255 vs. 160
3x 6/5/4 Speerschluders, broadsides, 9 AP, attachment, Spec Defenses (2) vs 4x 6/5/4 (secondary) Speerschluders, 8 AP, plus Pack Tactics and Aerial hunters, (Wow!).
Aside from attaching one to really bump up a Squadron Lahn all the way!

The Swap Shop / Re: Looking for some Republic of France Naval units
« on: December 17, 2017, 10:22:57 am »
I am looking to trade for some Republic of France naval units, especially ships from the 2.0 naval group starter.  I don't need any skimmers or flyers.  To trade, I have a 2.5 softcover rulebook, a kickstarter sea fort, or a FSA Saratoga
Can you list some of the ships you are looking for?, Looking for complete squadrons or extras to fill out squadrons?

MBS Fall 2017 DW Campaign / Re: Do We Want to Use Flashpoint?
« on: October 09, 2017, 08:10:44 pm »
Norfolk, Virginia, where Andy is moving.

MBS Fall 2017 DW Campaign / Re: Do We Want to Use Flashpoint?
« on: October 09, 2017, 10:56:34 am »
So we can get some local games, just not with the campaign participants? I figure I can meet up with Andy, even if I have to go to Norfolk. For the rest can we run local battles as a substitute? Suggest a battle to a local opponent? Bit of a stretch but the closest we could get to a campaign. I have a regular FSA player that may help.

General Discussion / Re: MBS Monthly Poll #17
« on: October 06, 2017, 08:02:33 am »
3D Printing or "rapid prototyping" has been rapidly gaining in popularity over the last 5 years. Many companies, such as Spartan, have used the technology to produce the masters for their model ranges, which are then cast in other materials such as resin. Elsewhere, 3D printing services such as Shapeways have been providing naval gamers with a new way to obtain ships for their games that were never produced or else are long out of production. The technology is even being examined as a way to keep "dead" games active, such as the efforts to create new ships that are compatible with Halo Ground Command and Halo Fleet Battles.

However, the technology is not yet reliable or cost effective enough to do mass production of miniatures on its own. What do you see as the future for this technology within our hobby?
I'm fairly sure 3D printing will replace masters and later all model production, eventually done at home using designs made by artists and designers. Probably some kind of locked designed to try to protect Intellectual Property, which will not work in the long run. The question is when. I suspect 5-10 years for the first part. Whether 3d printing can find its way through the issues of material limitations and and affordability will be a key part. I one can get a detailed model made of resin or pewter at the same price or less than a 3D printed model made of material that doesn't have a similiar feel or look it will slow its acceptance. We shall see. Its use in big money manufacturing and medical will be interesting and may be the avenue that brings the cost down and the print material selection broader. 

Dystopian Wars / Re: Confused about SAS attacks and carrier actions
« on: October 05, 2017, 11:47:46 pm »
TBs have a big role, Some navies have crap CC and, usually you don't attack with either DBs or TBs until the target's auxiliary weapons are degraded.
Besides having extended range, its another rock/paper/scissors situation, one of DW's strengths.

MBS Fall 2017 DW Campaign / Re: DW Campaign Discussion
« on: October 02, 2017, 05:29:12 pm »
The campaign still on?

Dystopian Wars / Re: Height Band Rules questions
« on: September 26, 2017, 12:25:16 pm »
Some older models had two clear templates with a line diagram of the sub instead of a submerged version. That was for a capability no longer available-the submerged templates could go separate directions making a real target and a false target. It was messy. With deep diving I use the diving token on the submerged version to indicate the level. Flyers I just put either two obscured markers or a die with two pips up.

Roll Call / Re: and another DW player from SG
« on: September 25, 2017, 10:21:59 pm »
Dude, didn't know you "lost." BTW I found a way to buy the Russian minis from Ice Maiden- it wasn't easy.  But I may be getting a set of Egyptians as well. We have a group of sorts down here in Virginia.

MBS Fall 2017 DW Campaign / Re: DW Campaign Discussion
« on: September 23, 2017, 08:17:59 am »
Some details that may come up. Should we keep it simple or expand to maximize player's interests- or somewhere in-between.

This may not be an issue at all, but, do you want to account for players that may have small DW fleets/armies/air forces? For example gaps of unit types or not enough to field a 1,600 pt. MFV? Presumably you only need the models used in a specific battle, the rest are on paper. But some players may have small fleets that would impact that. Small powers should be part of the narrative. Possibly alliances or joint forces? Find a way to include all.

Will allies or mercenaries be involved within one players force?
Land forces?
Aerial Core Battle Groups?
Proxy units/models?
Maybe players can send you their inventory they will be using.
However it ends up is OK with me.
I know- annoying details.

MBS Fall 2017 DW Campaign / Re: DW Campaign Discussion
« on: September 23, 2017, 07:46:06 am »
You might think of regions. Players get to select a regional map to work in, and may move to another or operate in more than one. Player density would matter. But that can be managed. It would account for natural enemies and Allies. The region size could be small enough to force competition. Baltic, Caribbean, Sea of Japan, Mediterranean, North Sea, etc. Expandable and only certain areas in play at a time. A player could "move" their operations from one area to another. Get all the flavors without all extra stuff. 

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