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Topics - Stephan

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Space Naval Games / Babylon 5 Wars Conversion to Firestorm Armada
« on: March 07, 2015, 11:44:11 am »

So, over the years I've made it my personal quest to keep B5 alive, converting B5 Wars into Battlefleet Gothic, then making more balanced fleet lists for ACtA, etc.  A while back I started on a project to convert B5 into FSA under V1 but had to shelve it due to time constraints.  This past week however, I found myself with about 5 hours of spare time and restarted the process.  I went all the way back to the B5 Wars source material since, though impossible to really play on the table-top, it was considered the most canon of all sources and endorsed by JMS himself.

Ruckdog provided a place for me to upload some files a while back and I'm hoping he'll let me use that same space to post some playtest materials.  I don't have time to test all the ship stats myself, so I'm hoping that as a community we can work the kinks out and have something we'd all be willing to share with the broader community.

Here's some background to help explain how I arrived at the starting stats and rules.

First, I took the B5 Wars stats and built a spreadsheet to convert them into the basic ship stats such as DR/CR, HP, SH, PD, etc.  I have a Word doc that goes into the particulars in gory detail which I'll post to the upload area (once Ruckdog reminds me of where it is).  I want to keep as close as possible to the original stats so as to preserve the intent of the B5 Wars designs, but I know we'll have to make some tweaks as we go through playtest. 

I think the big thing now is weapons load-out.  The weapons are VERY hard to convert, and despite my best efforts to codify everything into a spreadsheet, there's still a fair amount of art to it.  I think I'm close, but those used to ACtA may seem some glaring differences since Mongoose didn't stick to the original B5 Wars material in some cases, probably due to the same difficulties I'm running into.  For now, I'm building the ships to reflect the B5 Wars weapons load-outs as closely as possible.  I've built out an Omega Alpha, a Hyperion Theta, an Artemis Zeta, and an Artemis Heavy, and so far the weapon loads look kind of odd compared to FSA.  I'd ask that we not pre-judge and give them a few tries on the table-top to see how the ships and fleets interact before making any changes however.

We'll also need to abandon fleet composition rules for the most part since B5 Wars really didn't use them.  As anyone familiar with B5 will know, Earth Alliance was perfectly happy to send out fleets composed of all Omegas and the Narn did the same thing with G'Quans, so there's canon to support that.  Basically, bring what you've got (with a few very large or rare ships noted as restricted).

If you're interested in helping out, let me know.  I've got tons of models and I'm pretty sure Mark and Dale have some as well, and obviously it's fine to proxy.

UPDATE:  To help organize things a bit, I will keep this post updated with the latest links to playtest materials.

The Shipyard / Planetfall Aquans
« on: March 04, 2015, 11:45:53 pm »
My first test paint scheme.  Needs a little clean-up, but the basic pattern is there.  The actual scheme is a bit brighter in real life.

Dystopian Wars / Prussian General Field Marshall Von Mackensen
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:15:08 pm »
Ran across this pic and just felt like sharing it.  Check out the symbol on his hat.

General Discussion / Battle Foam & Firestorm
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:20:29 am »
So, I'm on a mission to get Battle Foam to add shapes to their custom tray creator for all the Firestorm figs. Battle Foam has said that they'll only do it if they see interest from the community. So, I propose an e-mail campaign to Let him know directly that we want to give him money but he isn't letting us. I've posted this on the Spartan forum, the Element 270 Facebook page and the Firebase Delta Facebook page.

The Shipyard / Planetoids!
« on: February 09, 2015, 12:45:25 pm »
Here's a link to a little tutorial I put together on the Spartan forum.

The Shipyard / Medusa WIP
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:33:37 pm »
After languishing in my box of figs, I finally started work on my Medusa Dreadnought for the Aquans.  The first pic is for reference to the paint scheme for the rest of my fleet.



For the Medusa, there's so much detail that I decided to paint it unassembled.  The first step was to primer in Ultramarines Blue and then wash with Guilliam Blue, both from GW.  Once the base is done, I put on a heavy wet-brush of P3 Cygnar blue.  I then go in with white in certain recessed areas to provide a base for the homemade purple wash that will come next.






News and Rumors / Holy Halo Batman!
« on: February 06, 2015, 10:49:04 am »

The Shipyard / Stephan's Terrans
« on: January 29, 2015, 11:18:38 am »
I'm almost done with the Terran Battlestation.  I need to do some clean-up on the flat acrylic pieces (the gray structure on the outside), but it's relatively minor.  I just wish they'd have put some detailing on those pieces because they're completely flat and smooth, which is a stark contrast to the rest of the model.  I've also included a pic of my Dread for comparison with the rest of the fleet's color scheme.

The Swap Shop / Need an Oroshan Trade Partner
« on: January 16, 2015, 10:21:57 am »
So, as luck would have it, Spartan revealed the new Oroshan Patrol boxed set two days after Collectormania called to let me know that my second squadron of Oroshan frigates had arrived.  I really, really, really want that carrier, but I don't have a use for any of the other models in that boxed set.  If anyone is interested in the other models and would want to go in with me on buying the boxed set, please let me know.

The Shipyard / Stephan's Oroshan
« on: January 11, 2015, 10:59:34 pm »
The cruisers are finished and I've started on the frigates!

Dystopian Wars / TAC Cards - Ouch!
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:48:03 am »
Played my first game with TAC cards last night against Greg.  That mechanic is definitely something to think about.  We had to stop the game before it fully played out due to the store closing, but I had a lead in the VPs until we added in the TAC card VPs, which brought it to a an exact tie.  Granted, I went a little crazy with the TAC cards, and between what I played and what I used to cancel Greg's I gave him somewhere around 120 points worth of VPs (my cruiser squadron was worth 150 pts). 

The Great War / Surrender of the German Fleet
« on: November 21, 2014, 04:28:21 pm »
Cool article and graphic showing to full assembly of British and German ships.

FACO / Eratta, FAQ, & Fleet Lists
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:03:35 pm »
Looks like a new set of downloads was posted at Spartan in just the past couple of months, including modified TAC cards.  Recommend everyone go out and download them. Those who got their TACs from the boxed sets, be aware that your cards may be out of date.

The Showcase / Oroshan
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:59:27 am »
Got started on my first Oroshan cruiser today at the painting day.  I finished it this evening and took a few pics.

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