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Topics - captainrockman

Pages: [1]
The Swap Shop / Looking for Neutral structures and Operational Assets
« on: November 13, 2020, 09:59:43 pm »
Hey folks!

Looking for any neutral structures (bunkers, airfields, docks, oil rigs, etc.) or operational assets (barges and the like).

Located in USA.

The Swap Shop / Looking for PLC Land Models and Esmeralda
« on: September 03, 2017, 12:21:57 am »

I'm looking for Polish land models and Esmeralda, the PLC Heavy bomber.

Does anyone have any of these models? If so, are you willing to part with them?


The Swap Shop / Looking for DW Infantry Tokens
« on: December 10, 2016, 03:48:40 pm »
Hey All,

I am getting into the armoured game for DW and am having a hard time finding infantry tokens.

Does anyone have extras lying around?

Naval Video Game Discussion / Dead Star PC and PS4
« on: April 11, 2016, 09:45:04 am »
I've recently picked up Dead Star for PS4 and it is really fun.

Dead Star is a hybrid between a twin-stick shooter and a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena). Matches last 10 to 15 minutes and center around gathering resources, controlling sectors, and of course combat.

There are 3 races and 3 ships for each race (small, medium, and large). Small ships are single pilot dog-fighters. Medium ships usually have tactical abilities with the ability to buff or debuff a small area of the map, or gather resources more quickly. Large ships are full on frigates with serious firepower and fleet support (healing other ships around them, etc.)

The gameplay is fast but methodical and I highly recommend it. Check out the link below.

Finally, there is a special game mode that you can earn as a rare reward. I have not seen this happen yet. But, if you are lucky you will be called up to aid in a raid, piloting a capital ship, and invade an ongoing match. I really want to look up what it looks like in game, but I'm saving the surprise for when it happens to me.

This game is free on PS4 for anyone with a PSPlus membership. Or it is just $20.00 any other time. I don't think the PS4 and PC servers have cross-play.

For a more thorough review check the link below.

I'm up to game with anyone on PS4 (Batllefront anyone?). Send me a PM if you are interested.

Find a Game! / X-Wing Meet Ups Denver - Flying Casual
« on: January 08, 2016, 12:50:54 pm »
Hello Everyone,

This thread is meant for scheduling X-Wing games in the Denver area. Since Episode VII came out my mind is stuck on Star Wars and I need to play this game!

I hope to play casually with scenarios and fun "what if" lists as opposed to super competitive games.

I can be available most evenings during the week and often on weekend mornings or afternoons.

Enchanted Grounds or Collectormania are best for me, but I'm happy to try other places as well.

Dystopian Wars / Walking "on" Water
« on: November 02, 2015, 10:26:49 am »
Hey Everyone,

I am looking into the EBS and have seen a couple old battle reports online where folks have included Large EBS walkers in Naval Battles. I haven't seen anything in the rules that make this legal. Am I missing something? Or, could this maybe be a house rule, or something from 1.0-1?

Dystopian Wars / Specialist Groups in Practice. How are they Working Out?
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:34:10 am »

It has been a month since the Specialist Groups came out for the major nations. I have seen them in use a couple of times, and wonder how people are liking them?

I tried out an RC group with 2 Suvorov Cruisers and an attached Tambov Gunship. I deployed them in the advance in a wedge formation (Tambov in the middle). The Tambov lacks broadsides, so this didn't hinder it at all. The cruisers helped to shield the gunship and were able to shoot their own broadsides. This is a pretty beefy group, and came to about 230 points. I think it worked out pretty well, and may prefer this to using 2 Tambovs (180 points). The group as a whole was more survivable (5 extra hull points, an extra rocket and torpedo target jammer, more AA, an extra target for the enemy etc.) and still had 4 main turrets to fire.

Has anyone else tried any fun groups?

The Showcase / captainrockman's PLC
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:17:21 am »
Hello Everyone,

I have been inspired by Pieprophet and am going to start posting my finished models. I have been in the hobby for just over 9 months and have only painted a few ships for test schemes. But, those days are over! I'm going to be painting for at least 1 hour each night (this works well since my wife and I are catching up on X Files) and will post my fleet's progress whenever full squadrons are completed.

Incoming tonight you will see a full squadron of Bagiennik frigates.

General Discussion / Con Man Indiegogo
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:12:58 pm »
Hello All,

I mentioned this funding campaign to the Collectormania group last Saturday. Just thought you might be interested in checking it out. The project is fully funded now and they have a trailer for the show.

Alan Tudyk seems even sillier in his own writing than he was in Joss Whedon's.

Is anyone else excited about this?

Roll Call / captain rockman's introduction
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:51:27 pm »

I am new to Denver, and very new to Dystopian Wars. So far, I only have the rulebook (1.1).  I have been reading the rules and researching teams. At this point, I am most interested in the Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Russian Coalition, and the Prussian Empire. However, my reasoning for liking these teams is largely based on liking the models, and not necessarily the tactics each team uses.

I am not opposed to trying out Firestorm either.

I can play Monday through Friday after 3 pm, and anytime on Saturdays and Sundays. I don't have a store that I go to consistently, and would be happy to meet people anywhere in the Denver and Colorado Springs areas.

I would love to play ASAP, but until I pick a force I may need to borrow some models if possible.


Are the tactics for teams very different? It is hard to tell without having played a game yet.

Are people playing only naval battles, or are they getting into air and/or armoured battles as well?

I also play Warhammer Fantasy and have armies for Dwarfs, Night Goblins, and Wood Elves (minus the Elves).

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