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Naval Video Games => Naval Video Game Discussion => Topic started by: Charbe86 on January 03, 2017, 05:57:30 am

Title: Eve, does anyone else play?
Post by: Charbe86 on January 03, 2017, 05:57:30 am
Just wondering if there's anyone else on here who plays eve?

My character name is Charles Harrington, if anyone's interested in catching up in game.  I'm a pretty casual gamer, and I'm in gmt+930, so I doubt I'd be on much when you guys are, but you never know. 
Title: Re: Eve, does anyone else play?
Post by: Landlubber on January 04, 2017, 09:43:51 pm
Just wondering if there's anyone else on here who plays eve?

My character name is Charles Harrington, if anyone's interested in catching up in game.  I'm a pretty casual gamer, and I'm in gmt+930, so I doubt I'd be on much when you guys are, but you never know.

Ah sorry man. I used to, several years ago. It's a great game, but I finally realized that I wasn't ever going to get any better unless I devoted more time to it. Sadly, I just didn't have the time needed. Enjoyed it while I played, though.

What is your character? I was a Caldari. Advanced my character far enough to fly Raven-class battleships, although I think the Drake battlecruiser was my favorite (a real workhorse, that ship).
Title: Re: Eve, does anyone else play?
Post by: Charbe86 on January 05, 2017, 05:44:56 am
I play a Caldari, I find they're the best option for my limited hardware. I'm just starting out again after 5 years away from the game, so I'm not even in a cruiser yet.  I took that break because I felt the same way you did, but now that I can play for free, I feel I can play a lot more casually, and until my patrol fleet arrives, it's about the only gaming I've got. 
Title: Re: Eve, does anyone else play?
Post by: Ruckdog on January 05, 2017, 01:08:00 pm
I've been EVE-curious for some time now. The fact that the game is now free to play makes me want to try it out!
Title: Re: Eve, does anyone else play?
Post by: Charbe86 on January 05, 2017, 02:38:52 pm
I've always found it great fun, everytime I go back to it they've made it a little friendlier to new players. 
Title: Re: Eve, does anyone else play?
Post by: Landlubber on January 05, 2017, 09:02:07 pm
Well, if you do decide to try it, remember this:
Title: Re: Eve, does anyone else play?
Post by: Charbe86 on January 05, 2017, 10:07:02 pm
It's not quite that bad anymore
Title: Re: Eve, does anyone else play?
Post by: Landlubber on January 06, 2017, 12:16:01 am
It's not quite that bad anymore

Yeah, I haven't played since probably 2011. I felt like I had a pretty good handle on things, worked myself up to a Drake battlecruiser, was doing pretty well killing NPC pirates--even battleships. One day I decided to head down to low-sec space (a 0.4 system, I think), because I heard the NPCs were worth more ISK and dropped better loot. I located an NPC pirate battleship lurking near an asteroid field, engaged it in combat, and was holding my own pretty well...then some jerk warped in behind me, destroyed my ship in about 5 seconds with I don't even know what, killed my pod, and then warped out.

That's when I realized that I had a LOT to learn, moreso than I ever thought. I never got into some of the really technical aspects of the game--scanning down wormholes, etc. That was something I always wanted to learn, but I stopped playing before I got to that point. I feel that I had a decent grasp on the combat mechanics of the game, at least when fighting NPCs, but that's about it. And I know that was just scratching the surface.