Author Topic: Firestorm at Collectormania, 10 August  (Read 881 times)


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Firestorm at Collectormania, 10 August
« on: August 16, 2014, 05:13:24 pm »
In the most recent meeting of the Denver Area Spartan Gamers, we met up at Collctormania again in Parker for some Firestorm Armada.

This time we opted for two one-on-one games.  Stephan and I faced off with Terrans vs Aquans (all Stephan's models, as I have not yet bought into the game).  We played a "hold territory" game, where we both tried to keep control of a location while also trying to wrest the other location from our opponent's control.

Mark and Brad faced off in a classic slayer match.  Brad brought his new Terrans from the 2.0 boxed set (I REALLY like the look of the new Terran ships, especially that new Tyrant battleship), and subbed in a few Dindrenzi from the box to round out his fleet.

Meanwhile, Mark was busy fielding, like, every single Sorylian ship Spartan has ever made.  Ever.  At least, that's how it looked.

I'm not too sure how their game went--I was too busy holding off Stephan's Aquans.

Stephan and I both decided to hold a squadron in reserve--for him, a squadron of frigates, and for me the dreadnought.  We also both decided on a shunt-in deployment, meaning the ships basically drop out of warp wherever you want them to, and then you roll to see if they had a smooth transition back into real space (more on this in a minute).

We traded blows back and forth, with Stephan's accursed red dice generally slaughtering my ships, and my dice generally failing me.  Normal game.  There was a bit of excitement in turn 2, however, when my destroyers engaged his cruisers with their forward nuclear weapons:

When firing nukes, if you cause a crit, you get to roll half the AD against all other ships within 4" of the target.  I critted the cruiser I was aiming at, and then started rolling against the others.  On the second one I got to, I scored a reactor overload crit, which destroyed the cruiser, but also meant that every ship in 4" had twice that cruiser's starting HP rolled against it.  After all was said and done, two cruisers (including the original target) were destroyed, and two were hurt.

One of those crazy dice moments.

Stephan eventually got revenge by killing my battleship, however. With SRS tokens.

We finally both got our reserves on the board in the last turn, and both came on with no negative effect.

I dropped the dread right on top of the control point on his side of the board, and proceeded to unleash on his destroyer.  You'd think a dread could kill a destroyer at point-blank range, but this is ME we're talking about here.

In the end, we called the game due to time, and all we had done is swapped control points--neither of us could claim control of both.  But, it was still fun.  Here are a few more pics:

Thanks for looking!

« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 05:16:09 pm by Landlubber »
"Sometimes, you gotta roll the hard six."--Commander Adama