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Havenstock at Gamer's Haven

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Ed and Troy at Gamer's Haven were talking to me yesterday about the upcoming Havenstock game day that will be at Gamer's Haven in early June. They said it will be either the first or second weekend (I assume a Saturday event, like they usually do). I asked Ed about running a Dystopian Wars demo, and he thought that was a great idea.

I think it would be cool if we could have Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, and Planetfall all represented at the event. I can certainly handle the Dystopian Wars portion. I've done this before at Gamer's Haven, where I set up small-scale games or scenarios to showcase different aspects of the game. Plus, it would be great if we could have a couple "showcase models" on display so people can get a feel for what the game looks like (and, honestly, to drum up interest). Our group has some beautifully-painted miniatures and fleets that would do well.

Interested to hear everyone's thoughts on the topic!

I'll submit a from to do an official Firestorm Demo, and see what swag I can get. I can likely support Planetfall too.

If it's the second weekend, I should be able to make it.  I can't promise having any clue how to actually play Planetfall, but I should have my entire Aquan force painted and based by the end of this week, and will probably have my Leviathan ready by then as well (assuming no problems getting it from Rob).

Cool. I'll keep an eye on the Gamer's Haven forums to see when they're holding the event. I think it would be a great way to showcase all three game systems, maybe get people interested again and draw in a few new folks as well.

OK...according to the Gamer's Haven forums, Havenstock is on 6 June. I told the staff I'd be good to run a Dystopian Wars demo for the first half of the day. My most-painted fleet is certainly the French, so I'll have them on the board. I can provide an opponent force for them, but it would be half-painted at best. If anyone wants to "man the booth" with me, so to speak, and provide some nicely-painted opponents and help me demonstrate the game, I would be very appreciative. Or, if you want to donate a few ships for the day, that would be cool too. It would be nice to have a few models from as many different factions as possible represented.

I figured I'd just set up a massive force-on-force engagement and let people push ships around and roll dice to see how it works.

Let me know if you're interested!


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