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So, I'm heading out to Adepticon next weekend. I'm really psyched about the event! While it is mainly a 40k event, other games like War Machine and Flames of War have been making in-roads. As far as naval gaming goes, there are going to be some Leviathans demos, and there will be a BFG tourney on Sunday (which I will not be able to compete in due to other obligations!). I'm also going to see what I can do about stirring the pot with some Dystopian Wars demos  ;).


--- Quote from: Ruckdog on April 16, 2012, 06:42:54 pm ---As far as naval gaming goes, there are going to be some Leviathans demos....

--- End quote ---

I was excited about the Leviathans demo games when I heard about them at GenCon... back in 2009!  And then at GenCon last summer they were supposed to sell copies of the game but blamed production problems for not having it available.  And the last time I checked the blog they were STILL having problems with their production sources.

Anyway, the models look cool, and I wish I could buy a copy of the starter game already, even if I end up using the models with Dystopian Wars (like I use my Dreadfleet models with Uncharted Seas). 

Have fun, Ruckdog, take pictures to post, and damn those torpedoes, full speed ahead!

Have a blast, and let us know all the cool stuff coming up. And Mr. Ruckdog you may fire when ready... (ending with famous naval quotes seemed like what we were doing)

Just got back to my parents house in Indiana. Man, what a weekend! I played a full day of 40k on Saturday, and then got a game of Dystopian Wars in with Craig from the D6 Generation Yesterday. I also got a chance to play an awesome board game called Core Worlds, which is a sci-fi space combat deck building game.

I'm looking forward to reading more about your experience.  Post pictures, if you have any!


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