Warcradle Naval Games > Firestorm Armada

Firestorm Armada Resources

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Use this thread to post any useful information or links you find for Firestorm Armada! As new things are added to the thread, they will be collected here in the first post for easy reference.


Spartan Games: The company that produces the game. The Downloads section has all manner of useful documentation in it.

The Black Ocean: One of the oldest Firestorm Armada websites out there. Hosts a huge number of files for the game, including stats, scenarios, and even older Spartan files that are no longer available on the SG website.

Soon, bought a Dindrenzi and a RSN Patrol fleet. I have never used magnets but the Cruisers are built to use them to switch drop ons.
Uh Where do get them, how do you install them. Hardest yet align them. I have a Dremel tool.

Depends on the size of the magnet. But the best tools I've found for the job are a drill bit the same size as the magnet, plastic tweezers (hands down the best purchase to have when using magnets), and plenty of patience. Put a dollop of paint where you want the magnet to go and while it's still wet place the second part where it would be glued...voila...the paint will transfer to the other piece giving you a guide as to where you should be drilling both pieces.

***we could probably move this to the hobby section as it really is a good guide for any game***

If you read Ruckdog's Firestorm Armada Battle Report,  you may have wondered where all the terrain templates came from. I designed them myself, and they are all available for download:


Yeah, I have downloaded them already.
Figuring out how to print them.


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