MBS Campaigns > Operation Galvanic: The Pacific Boils Over

Operation Galvanic Campaign

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Let me know if you need some help! Also, I should be able to hose the files for you still. I apologize for falling down on that earlier. My schedule is a little less crazy now, so I should be able to do it. I have a lot of bandwidth and disk space on the MBS web account that I would love to start using for stuff like this  8).

Ruckdog, I will indeed like to post them here. I am updating the campaign framework and scenarios.
The scenarios can of course be used independently. I will finish the framework this weekend and submit it to be posted here for response and input. The scenarios will follow though not necessarily in campaign sequence order as some are easier to update than others.
I hope to get Mysterious Island done this weekend as well.
Note TAC Cards and Secondary objectives optional.
Scenario titles, more or less in order:
Mysterious Island- Compete to take a (notionally CoA) island that has a secret laboratories developing tech technologies. The winner can steal a prototype capability which can be applied to one squadron in their fleet. Can be played with a judge or third player (CoA player would have his own benefits, Players who lost the the battle can fight it again with a different opponent)
Take the Straight - Compete to gain control of a critical straight necessary to secure your supply routes into the area. Winner gets to establish a forward base capable of providing Land Based Support Air Wings and more munitions.
Convoy Raid - Raid  a convoy with the aim of prizing ships and destroying the rest. Can be played between two powers or the defender can be a mercenary force protecting local commerce. If played between powers each side can permanently gain valuable operational assets and increased logistics for the next battle. (asymmetric TF point sizes)

Protect the Lady -  Escort an addition of a Dreadnought, Superfortress or Fleet Carrier to your Theater Fleet through a gauntlet of attackers. Defender must exit with at least 50% of the Lady's HP remaining . Scenario VPs for each HP on the Lady. (Note non-standard TF configurations and asymmetric TF Points sizes)

Operational Base - Players fight over control of a port. Winner must drive the loser from the field (attain minimum objectives  and  fleet orders). Winner gains significant Scenario VPs and increases limits on Munitions (possibly eliminate limits), gains additional Local Air. Loser can mitigate Victors gains by destruction of port and air facilities.

I think I hit the text limit two more scenarios were cut off. I will add them later

Sounds good! What you have so far sounds interesting. If you have a Word document or PDF of them, I can upload them and post a link in this thread.

My campaign rules are ready. It includes summaries of the scenarios.
A bit much but game by game quite manageable.
It could use more editing and some more play testing.
I need to send it MadDrB Directly to get it posted


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