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2023 Great Wargaming Survey

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So, I can honestly say that I easily have between 100 and 200 unpainted naval models in the ol' Pile of Shame  ???

A lot of that are the various fleet boxes that I snapped up when Spartan went under; at 10-15 ships a pop, it doesn't take too many of those boxes to rack up a good sized bare-resin fleet! So, that puts me in the thick portion of the bell curve for the survey, it looks like.

Easy E:
I got to choose 0!  In 2022 I finished off my backlog and have been slow to pick up a new project.

Right now, I have been working on 6mm Egyptians and Hittites for a Battle of Kadesh scenario.  I also have 10 Kill Team models to paint. 

For 2024, I am mulling a buy into a Naval game but have not decided if I want Victory at Sea, Dystopian Wars, or something completely different! However, that won't be until the last of my Hittites get painted up.


--- Quote from: Easy E on November 17, 2023, 04:23:30 pm ---I got to choose 0!  In 2022 I finished off my backlog and have been slow to pick up a new project.

Right now, I have been working on 6mm Egyptians and Hittites for a Battle of Kadesh scenario.  I also have 10 Kill Team models to paint. 

For 2024, I am mulling a buy into a Naval game but have not decided if I want Victory at Sea, Dystopian Wars, or something completely different! However, that won't be until the last of my Hittites get painted up.

--- End quote ---

My hat is off to you, sir. It was bad enough when I had to go to the store to expand my pile of that I can just print thigns to add to it, the pile has only grown lol.

Easy E:
My incompetence at 3D printing is paying off!


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