Other Naval Games > Historical Naval Games

1/700 WW2 Naval Project gets its Convoy On


Yarkshire Gamer:


I haven't put anything on the blog about the WW2 Naval Project in a while which doesn't mean I've been idol.

There are four more ships added to the collection this month.

First up is a Liberty Ship  John W Brown, next up I've bolstered my British Destroyers with a Tribal Class Destroyer, HMS Eskimo.

Then we have HMS Javelin a J Class Destroyer and finally a second Liberty Ship this time using a Jeremiah O'Brien kit.

All the models are from Trumpeter apart from Javelin (sold as HMS Jervis) which is from Aoshima.

Hopefully I will finish the Bismark in the next week or so. Yes I need a Car Park to play with these but I am having way too much fun with them.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Great work as usual! Having some merchants for scenario purposes is always an important consideration. The weathering you are doing on these really sells the overall look.

Very impressive, and I liked the etched Eduard pieces on the detail.


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