Modeling > The Shipyard

Armada Conversions

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The first crew conversion is finally together...

Affixing the crew to the deck was far simpler than I thought it would be, with a wire pin placed behind each Orc to provide stability while the glue dries, but the mast attachments were a nightmare.  The original layout of the masts and sails did have enough points of contact to make assembly reasonable, but having to stretch the center mast to allow the crew placement resulted in having to bend or cut back all of the contacts.  One point actually broke during the photo, so I will have to go back and add black wire for repairs.

Overall, the crew really are not noticeable at arms length, with the possible exception of the lookout above, so I would say that this whole project ended up a wash.

Easy E:
They are probably more noticeable when we look at the other side of the ship behind the sails and you might see them a bit better. 

However, your final analysis is probably accurate. 


 I don't know about your conclusion; They dont look at all bad and as I've found with 6mm gaming, some people do like to take a close look if you've put in the effort (Just watch out for the sausage-fingered ones, that's all! :) )

Seas Aflame introduced fortifications into Armada, and here is my first attempt at a large fort, a 50 mm generic square for use either as a Land Fort or Sea Fort.  I set each of the corners as a blank socket to allow the cannons to be turned to face the opponent...

...or to allow different crew tops to be placed and show ownership of the fort.  So far only one mission, Capture the Fort, allows the storming of fortifications, but I wanted to future proof these for upcoming expansions, or home built scenarios.  (As an added benefit, the crew tops also make this PSB compliant)

And looking forward, I also put together small mortars in case indirect weapons are later allowed for the large size fortifications. (100)

That's really nice! I like the basic design, and it looks like you could even scale it up if needed.


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