Warcradle Naval Games > Dystopian Wars

Civilian and Military Transport for DW 2,5 and beyond

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 So, someone was showing off some pre-production casts from Spartan for their Teutonic ships, which included a huge transport for moving logistics, robots and resupplying the Metzger: it's quite a brute, but it got me wondering again on something . . . What are people doing for scenarios involving escorting transports, resupplying sea and island fortress with munitions and sundries, or simply for fuel and munitions for ships at sea in either the Sturgimium Age or the Dystopian Age?

 I have had some ideas, but I'd like to hear and see what others might have done.

Sorry I'm answering this a little late.

George Mac over at Full Spectrum Dominance converted the old Airfix pontoon bridge model set into large transport ships. You can see his work here:


I've been working on a similar idea (inspired by George's work) for the past couple of years but I don't have any good pics. Here is the Airfix kit I'm talking about:


I was also lucky enough to pick up one of the Spartan merchant convoy and harbor sets after the company closed. Played a few games with them...we treated the merchant convoy ships as mediums and my scratchbuilt cargo ships as large-class vessels. Basically had them stationary around the board, just off-shore from an island (that was augmented with the harbor set), and as soon as the shooting started between the two combatant forces they started moving to the closest table edge--sort of a moving line-of-sight blocker that the players had to deal with.

Not sure if that answers your question, hope it helps!

 There's some nice work there!

 I can only add my poor contribution . . . A civilian airliner dirigible. Based on what readers will probably find familiar from other postings, I think it looks pretty good ( Bar the weathering I need to do  :P )


 Having been on the hunt for interesting 3D printing files, as I have access to a public printery here, I came across this rather nice set of transport ships.

The different cargo options are good, and the choice of whether to include a crane or not to break up the silhouette is a nice touch.  And with the pre-supported versions of each they should be perfect for resin printing.


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