General > The Swap Shop

3 of my armadas are available.

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Have pics on request. Most models are painted or primed. Some are magnetized. Some are unpainted. Simple green soak would be needed to restore them to unpainted.

I want to sell everything together, not interested in parting out unless it's by entire faction.

LOIS - all 3 2nd edition boxes painted black and silver. Come with original packaging.

Shadow hunter set I am listing the models with eotbs and FAA however the eotbs are painted black and green and the fsa models are painted rusty with sweet Uv reactive splashing.

FSA: All models include their sets original packaging.
1x Enterprise - primed
1x Annapolis - unpainted
3x yale - unpainted
2x b72 - unpainted
SAS 30x + some painted some not.
1x Valley - half painted
4x lee - multiple test paints
1x Saratoga - 3/4 painted nice effects.
6x Springfield - some paint
14x revere - some paint
1x savannah - unpainted
1x sanfrancisco - unpainted
6x Georgetown - 3 painted 3 unpainted
8x Augusta - some painted
2x liberty - 1 painted 1 unpainted
1x Boston - painted
6x turtle - painted
1x new Orleans - unpainted
4x pyb2 - unpainted
5x a3 - unpainted.


1x kaiju - painted
1x wani terror ship - primed, clear plain
1x wani base - painted
3x honshu - painted
4x uwatsu - painted
15x fujin - some paint
15x kitsune - some paint
4x sui - painted
2x suzaku - painted
1x hachiman - painted
3x tanuki - painted
4x yurgi - painted
4x ika - painted
1x tenkei - painted
3x inari - unpainted
5x tetsubo
30x + sas some  paint
1x raijin - unpainted
3x arashi - painted
5x zarigami - unpainted
1x skinmiyme - painted
1x kiyohime - painted

Also have 4 acrylic token sets.

All set packaging, dice. Terrain etc.

Colorado local can have my custom game board and island also.

Everything listed: $700 + shipping or pick up local. I could also meet at gencon later this year.

Will have to break down if fleets split.

Are you getting out of Dystopian Wars??

Not entirely. I'm keeping a couple small fleets 1200 pts. I just have like 12000 points of stuff thatll never be used :-)

Understood, and happy to hear it! We should try to get a game in after I’m back in town.


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