Other Naval Games > Halo: Fleet Battles

Shapeways 3D printed Halo Fleet Battles ships


Green Beanie:
I figured I should let the Halo Fleet battles folks here know the Squireyoung on Shapeways has some great Halo Fleet Battles ships. For the UNSC he has:

UNSC Vindication class battleship
UNSC Halycon cruiser
UNSC Strident frigate
UNSC Gladius Corvette

For the Covenant he has:

CRS light cruiser

These ships look great and paint up well. You will have to add your own bases and flight pegs. These ships are very affordable also. I suggest you go to Shapeways, type in Squireyoung company and check out his Halo Fleet Battles ships for your selves. I have added them to my fleets.

Thanks for the summary! It's great to see folks stepping up to support the game with new ships :).

Thanks Green Beanie. Do you have any pics of the ships you got from Shapeways? So we can see how they compare to the stuff from Spartan...

Green Beanie:
wish I could post pics, but do not have the tech to do so.


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