Warcradle Naval Games > Firestorm Armada

Third Edition of Firestorm Armada

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As we know, Spartan attempted to bring to life a third edition of Firestorm Armada this past year.  Just reading between the lines on how Warcradle is looking at Dystopian Wars, I would guess that Firestorm has some significant changes in its future, even if that future is a long way off.  Assuming that the next edition will not be a simple tweak from second edition, what kinds of things would you guys like to see revised?

Great question, and one I've been thinking about for a while.

The first thing that we should probably establish is how much of the previewed 3.0 beta rules on the old Spartan Forums we would like to see. Me, I'm not so sure some of the approaches taken in those rules were a good direction to head in, so I'd prefer the "tweaks to 2.0" approach.

A few of the big changes I'd like to see is:

-Overhauls to the mine system

-Better carrier/SRS rules

-Improved shooting profiles for ships (better dice spreads, less fixed firing arcs)

Just for starters!

I would like to see a fluff overhaul. Based on planetfall there should be 3 humans and 3 aliens factions.

I like the human factions to have lineages to current (or even dystopian age alliances?) with one representing an interstellar human central government ala UN (using dindrenzi models as their hover tanks seems slightly more advanced than tread tanks) and two additional colonial forces: One based eastern cultures (using directorates models) and One based on western cultures (using Terran models).
I would like to see the other 3 alien races to have sub factions as well.

Game mechanics wise I would like to see consistent dice mechanics with active systems based on roll dice while passive conditions modifying the rolls. For instance shooting:
1. Determines # of attack dice to roll. This will be reduced based on range and any damages taken
2. The to hit value is determined by the target profile and intervening terrain
3. Success is reduced by defender rolling shield dice ( actively modulating its dynamic) and by a set value X to represent extra armor plating (passive defense)

I would also like combat space patrols (interceptors) to be allocated to ship rather than have an intercept range. Once assigned it increases PD value of the model it is escorting.

I would also like minesweeper if mines are playable as tabletop deployment.

I think mix ships squadron would be interesting as well.

My hopes are, that army lists aren't changing. I have no intentions to buy more models only because the army building rules changed.

And i second a fluff overhaul, more precisly, a fluff extension based on the works of Spartan.

How important is trying to reduce the amount of time needed to play a game?  I'd love to be able to play larger battles (1200+) in a more reasonable amount of time.


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