Warcradle Naval Games > Firestorm Armada

PD Cover from allied SRS.


Commodore Jones:
A debate got started in todays game and since the search function on the old Spartan forums isn't working I'll put it out here.

Playing a 2 vs 2 game, two separate fleets each with admirals against another two etc, etc.
The question, does a ship/model gain Point Defense cover from being in the PD radius of an SRS token from the allied fleet? I.E. Terrans & Aquans vs Dindrenzi and Oroshan, would a Terran battleship get the PD from being within 4" of an allied Aquan Interceptor token? 

As there are no rules for multiplayer games, it comes down to: was it a friendly game played for fun or some number crunching list efficency test? :)

I would play it so that SRS can defend both allies.


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