MBS Campaigns > MBS Fall 2017 DW Campaign

Do We Want to Use Flashpoint?

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As of right now, this is the group that has signed up for the DW Campaign. The original intention was to run this campaign using the Flashpoint system. However, the challenge we face is that we are all geographically separated. So, as I see it, we have a few options. Which do you prefer?

The VP tracker then might be more elegant, but use a hex type map to represent the battlezones, with fluff suggested by battle reports and GM to determine which zones are open each week/month?

So we can get some local games, just not with the campaign participants? I figure I can meet up with Andy, even if I have to go to Norfolk. For the rest can we run local battles as a substitute? Suggest a battle to a local opponent? Bit of a stretch but the closest we could get to a campaign. I have a regular FSA player that may help.

Easy E:
When I have played these campaigns in the past, we let people submit any local game they played.  You scored basic points for win/Loss/Tie. 

They scored extra points if they included:

1. Narrative
2. Photo
3. Battle Report
4. Your opponent posted a battle report

You could get as many points posting a loss with narrative, photo, and battle report as a straight win. 


--- Quote from: CDR-G on October 09, 2017, 10:56:34 am ---So we can get some local games, just not with the campaign participants? I figure I can meet up with Andy, even if I have to go to Norfolk. For the rest can we run local battles as a substitute? Suggest a battle to a local opponent? Bit of a stretch but the closest we could get to a campaign. I have a regular FSA player that may help.

--- End quote ---

Which Norfolk?


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