Warcradle Naval Games > Firestorm Armada

Warcradle Studios have acquired the Dystopian and Firestorm universes...


Here's a link to a vid they did on the subject:


I haven't dealt with this studio before, what does everyone think?

In happy to see Firestorm backed by a company, but how is there reputation, customer satisfaction, etc.

I happened to have a conversation with the Design Lead (Stuart) the day they announced.  He was very approachable, and was willing to answer (to the best he could) questions about the future of FSA.   He was open to viewing the rules work that we've been working on, and seemed to be genuinely interested in what we could contribute.  I think it will be a good thing for all of us.


--- Quote ---I happened to have a conversation with the Design Lead (Stuart) the day they announced.  He was very approachable, and was willing to answer (to the best he could) questions about the future of FSA.   He was open to viewing the rules work that we've been working on, and seemed to be genuinely interested in what we could contribute.  I think it will be a good thing for all of us.
--- End quote ---

 How did that turn out in the end?

Well, they went a different directon. Which is OK...It's their system. I don't have any inside information but I wonder if the radio silence over the past few months is an indication of a pending re-write of the beta. Ether way, I'm good. The quantum rebellion rules are going to debut at gencon this fall, and our group is comfortable with those for the time being. I hope firestorm comes back, but its not on the top of my list.


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