Naval Video Games > Naval Video Game Discussion

Eve, does anyone else play?

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Just wondering if there's anyone else on here who plays eve?

My character name is Charles Harrington, if anyone's interested in catching up in game.  I'm a pretty casual gamer, and I'm in gmt+930, so I doubt I'd be on much when you guys are, but you never know. 


--- Quote from: Charbe86 on January 03, 2017, 05:57:30 am ---Just wondering if there's anyone else on here who plays eve?

My character name is Charles Harrington, if anyone's interested in catching up in game.  I'm a pretty casual gamer, and I'm in gmt+930, so I doubt I'd be on much when you guys are, but you never know.

--- End quote ---

Ah sorry man. I used to, several years ago. It's a great game, but I finally realized that I wasn't ever going to get any better unless I devoted more time to it. Sadly, I just didn't have the time needed. Enjoyed it while I played, though.

What is your character? I was a Caldari. Advanced my character far enough to fly Raven-class battleships, although I think the Drake battlecruiser was my favorite (a real workhorse, that ship).

I play a Caldari, I find they're the best option for my limited hardware. I'm just starting out again after 5 years away from the game, so I'm not even in a cruiser yet.  I took that break because I felt the same way you did, but now that I can play for free, I feel I can play a lot more casually, and until my patrol fleet arrives, it's about the only gaming I've got. 

I've been EVE-curious for some time now. The fact that the game is now free to play makes me want to try it out!

I've always found it great fun, everytime I go back to it they've made it a little friendlier to new players. 


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