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Way Forward? Genghis 2017?

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Hey locals,

Any ideas on what to do to keep Firestorm (And Planetfall) from vanishing altogether around here?

I was considering an event at Genghis Con, but it can't get much smaller turnout that the past few and still be worth it. Asking folks to pay $25 or $45 for a Con badge for one event doesn't seem like a good recipe. Running multiple Spartan events wont work, casue most Spartan folks around here seem to play only one of the games.


In my opinion the best way to get additional interest is to design a large, possibly multi-table, Firestorm and Planetfall event. That could get some interest beyond the normal Firestorm players. We could run a game where Fleets need to get into orbit of planets to confer buffs/orbital effects/reserves and the planetfall games could provide buffs/surface to orbit attacks.

I'm all for an multi table event, and I will support the PlanetFall part if you put it together.  We actually had several people show up for the PlanetFall event at the Haven last summer.  I suspect that the high price tag of Genghis is the barrier.


--- Quote from: Quickdraw on January 02, 2017, 08:37:53 pm ---In my opinion the best way to get additional interest is to design a large, possibly multi-table, Firestorm and Planetfall event. That could get some interest beyond the normal Firestorm players. We could run a game where Fleets need to get into orbit of planets to confer buffs/orbital effects/reserves and the planetfall games could provide buffs/surface to orbit attacks.

--- End quote ---

Just the inspiration I was looking for. I'll put something together and submit ASAP. I just need to figure when the Deep Wars event is, and schedule around that.

I'll build it as teams, so folks can recruit allies from the other game they don't play. :-)
And I can use refinements learned from the 2-table DW event from Tacticon, plus the last Spartan day at the Haven. I don't think the official Spartan planet assault stuff works, but there's plenty of simple ways to represent.

Working title: "We can ill-afford Another Dramos"

Other ideas:

-- HFB and HDF combined event in the same mold. Greg, would you help support that?

-- Mars Strikes Back! A DW "Pearl Harbor" scenario versus the Martians.


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