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Spartan Day #2 at Gamer's Haven

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I'll participate in a demo game in September, but I too do not think demo games will draw people in.  I think we would do better with trying a dedicated bi-weekly game on the weekends where we show up with our models painted.  Maybe if people see players they will join.

I live in Littleton, so week days are pretty much out. Friday night - Sunday evenings would work for me.

I don't know how easy it would be to set something like that up at the Haven. They tend to be pretty busy on the weekends. Sundays might be an option, but that's something we'd need to talk to the store staff about. I agree, seeing the games played (with painted ships) on a regular basis is a good way to possibly grow the player base.

Dale, you know the Haven better than I feasible would it be, do you think, for us to try to get in there every other Sunday to play? I know they have historicals on Sundays, but I'm not sure what else goes on there. I think I could support making the drive twice a month on a Sunday afternoon. Could even carpool with some of the folks up here if that would help.

I like where you're going with this. I think one thing that we need to work on is just having a day. If we just want to play with each other we're good at scheduling our monthly meeting, but if we are looking to expand the player base we really need to just have a day. If you can make it, cool - if not, also cool. This is obviously easiest on a weekend, especially for you Denver guys. Read my thoughts on that below.

--- Quote from: Landlubber on July 23, 2016, 12:44:33 pm ---I don't know how easy it would be to set something like that up at the Haven. They tend to be pretty busy on the weekends. Sundays might be an option, but that's something we'd need to talk to the store staff about. I agree, seeing the games played (with painted ships) on a regular basis is a good way to possibly grow the player base.

Dale, you know the Haven better than I feasible would it be, do you think, for us to try to get in there every other Sunday to play? I know they have historicals on Sundays, but I'm not sure what else goes on there. I think I could support making the drive twice a month on a Sunday afternoon. Could even carpool with some of the folks up here if that would help.

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Sunday's seem to ebb and flow from what I've seen. You always have some Flames of War on the back two or four tables, and usually some Bolt Action on the middle two tables. Those first two tables are often open. But I have seen those get taken as well by stuff like SAGA.
I hate to say it but I don't know how much they'll be able to support us on the weekend. Don't get me wrong, it's not that they won't want to, but they have the whole "priority goes to the scheduled games." I think if you made the case to Rob that we feel Spartan Games doesn't get enough traffic on Monday nights and we want to try to expand the player base he would be much more likely to accommodate.

I've heard the same story now with three different systems that are popular at the store:
"No one was playing, but I showed up week after week regularly with painted models, even by myself for a number of weeks and just sat there, and people slowly started to gain interest."
This is the case with Malifaux (Ed), Infinity (Jesse), and Warmachine (Dale).

Gamer's Haven has a good problem to have where they have too many players and not enough space. But that relegates the meager Spartan weekly showing to Monday, the least busy day.

Obviously my work schedule has completely muffed my gaming schedule. However, this will be done soon and I'll happily support a bi-weekly Sunday session. Nothing strictly scheduled, just show up with models and we'll play a game.

If we were to try to set something like this up...I think it would need to be at the Haven. Collectormania is great, don't get me wrong, but they don't carry any Spartan products, and I think they likely would have a hard time even ordering Spartan products--one of the guys there told me a last year that their distributors stopped carrying Spartan stuff (hence the selloff of all their Spartan boxsets, blisters, etc). One of the other components of growing a player base is relative ease of access to game system. The Haven has a quite a few Spartan boxes on the shelves, for all four of their major systems--DW, Firestorm Armada, Planetfall, and Halo: Fleet Battles.

Quickdraw, I think you brought up a good point about talking to Rob--I think that's the right way to go about it. The truth of it is, the store doesn't really see much traffic at all on Monday nights--just about the only people there are the RPG group in the corner, the My Little Pony players, and the few Spartan players. There aren't a whole lot of people just "wandering through" to see what's going on. It's almost like the crowds start to build on Tuesday nights, and get larger and larger until Friday/Saturday, then subside until the following Tuesday. "Spartan Games Night" has been on Monday night for several months now, and I've been there the majority of those Monday nights, and there has been no uptick in players.

You're also right about the Haven having a "good" problem, in that there are so many players of so many game systems that they have to schedule them out. That means if Rob was amenable to giving us a couple tables on Sunday afternoon (or whatever day we are able to grab), we would need to have a good showing. I think it's OK right now because they aren't hurting for table space on Monday could run an X-Wing tournament in there on Monday nights and still have room for the Spartan players. Also, there would likely be more traffic in the store on a Sunday, since it's on the weekend, and hence more exposure.

Maybe we should talk to Rob about it, and if he agrees to give us some table space on Sundays, we could do Demo Day #2 on a Sunday in September as a "kickoff".



--- Quote from: Landlubber on July 23, 2016, 08:15:07 pm ---If we were to try to set something like this up...I think it would need to be at the Haven. Collectormania is great, don't get me wrong, but they don't carry any Spartan products, and I think they likely would have a hard time even ordering Spartan products--one of the guys there told me a last year that their distributors stopped carrying Spartan stuff (hence the selloff of all their Spartan boxsets, blisters, etc). One of the other components of growing a player base is relative ease of access to game system. The Haven has a quite a few Spartan boxes on the shelves, for all four of their major systems--DW, Firestorm Armada, Planetfall, and Halo: Fleet Battles.

Quickdraw, I think you brought up a good point about talking to Rob--I think that's the right way to go about it. The truth of it is, the store doesn't really see much traffic at all on Monday nights--just about the only people there are the RPG group in the corner, the My Little Pony players, and the few Spartan players. There aren't a whole lot of people just "wandering through" to see what's going on. It's almost like the crowds start to build on Tuesday nights, and get larger and larger until Friday/Saturday, then subside until the following Tuesday. "Spartan Games Night" has been on Monday night for several months now, and I've been there the majority of those Monday nights, and there has been no uptick in players.

You're also right about the Haven having a "good" problem, in that there are so many players of so many game systems that they have to schedule them out. That means if Rob was amenable to giving us a couple tables on Sunday afternoon (or whatever day we are able to grab), we would need to have a good showing. I think it's OK right now because they aren't hurting for table space on Monday could run an X-Wing tournament in there on Monday nights and still have room for the Spartan players. Also, there would likely be more traffic in the store on a Sunday, since it's on the weekend, and hence more exposure.

Maybe we should talk to Rob about it, and if he agrees to give us some table space on Sundays, we could do Demo Day #2 on a Sunday in September as a "kickoff".


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I like it.

The big point you mention is that there aren't even people coming in on Monday. It's not only a poor showing for players in general, it's a slow night for the store.

One thing to mention is that Sunday is an early day for them. The hours are 10 - 5 on Sunday. Which is enough time for our group to game, but it's something to think about for scheduling. Not everyone can be gone the majority of the day on Sunday, it's often a family day. But it's still plausible to come down at 1 or 2 and have a small game with someone. Again, the idea is to just have a better day where we agree to show for unscheduled and scheduled games.


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