Warcradle Naval Games > Uncharted Seas

Official US Update From Spartan Games

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It was sad to read Ruckdog's hope that Spartan revive the Uncharted Seas at some point, written more than a year ago.

But Warcradle dangles hope? I'm not sure how they will fit it in with Wild West Exodus. Something new?


--- Quote from: MadDrB on January 04, 2018, 09:06:10 pm ---It was sad to read Ruckdog's hope that Spartan revive the Uncharted Seas at some point, written more than a year ago.

But Warcradle dangles hope? I'm not sure how they will fit it in with Wild West Exodus. Something new?

--- End quote ---

 This might be the first time I'll defend Warcradle unequivocally anywhere -enjoy it while it lasts - but the situation is, the stuff they bought from Spartan Games as part of the IP ( Mainly a buttload of computer files, a handful of master models and a lot of unlabelled or poorly labelled molds ) was in a hell of a state of disarray and regardless of any plans for combining the DW section with WWX, or the whole Armored Clash thing, Uncharted Seas is set for the straightest-line possible revival with only some new design work being suggested for some fleets.

NO suggestion of combining it with ANY other product has been breathed, hinted or even suggested by anyone at WC.

 I'm glad someone else has commented about WC's tendency of "dangling hope" but in their minds ( At least in Richard's mind  and in some personal correspondence with me ), he feels they have been as transparent and honest as the situation permits, and they are getting tired of accusations of "Misinformation and outright concealment" leveled at them. Maybe they could do with a break - Say, until April?  :D



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