Warcradle Naval Games > Uncharted Seas

Official US Update From Spartan Games

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Straight from the "horse's mouth," as it were:

--- Quote from: Spartan Games ---Hi all,


​We understand there's been some confusion on where Uncharted Seas currently lies, and we're very sorry to hear that some of you have been so unhappy and confused with the stance we've taken on this. In no way do we mean to imply that we don't care, or your reactions are unimportant to us. As we've undergone some changes within the team lately, our forum presence has been somewhat hit-and-miss and we understand that, and are dealing with it. This is not at all a reflection on Uncharted Seas, as it has been forum-wide and not just within this conversation. With the regard to the game itself, the following is an official update from Neil himself.


"As you all know we withdrew the last models from mail order sales a few months ago. We currently have no plans to sell these models again and have effectively retired their moulds from manufacturing.


We had been working on an updated set of rules for the models gamers currently own, and we are hoping to release these later this year as a free PDF download. We had also been working on new model sculpts, but this project is on hold while we focus on Dystopian Wars and Firestorm Armada projects.


As soon as any of these plans change we will update you via our forum.


Best regards,

Spartan Neil"


​We hope that clears up any questions on the future of the game, but if you do have any others, or any comments you'd particularly like to share, please do feel free to email a member of the team.
--- End quote ---

This was posted on the SG forums here:


So, it sounds like Uncharted Seas is not completely dead and buried, though it looks like we aren't going to see much in the way of new models anytime soon.

I wonder what the "team changes" were.

Well, I know that Spartan Beth is a direct replacement for Spartan Alex, based on some stuff I've picked up on the SG forums. So, at the very least, there has been some shake ups in the Spartan community relations area. Not sure about the game development and testing side, though.

Thanks for sharing this nugget, helps to have some definitive information.  Now just need to decide if I continue to hunt down missing units for my fleets, or just cut my losses for those small fleets and start those from scratch once new ones come out. 

Are there many Uncharted Seas players (or resin collectors) here on MBS?

MadDrB is a big US fan, and we actually have a couple of Spanish fans as well.


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