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Dystopian Wars Tournament, Fredericksburg VA, Glorious 3rd of June

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Where:  The Game Vault, Fredericksburg, VA
When:  Sunday the Glorious 3rd of June
What:  Three rounds of randomly paired player matches

1st round:  600 MFV Naval Core Force
2nd round:  600 MFV Armored Core Force
3rd round:  900 MFV mixed armored/naval/air

I'm still hammering out details concerning prizes, etc.  We had 10 players participate in our Spring Event:

The Glorious 3rd of June is tomorrow!

I have all the final edits ironed out, and details can be found on my blog.

Watch this space for pictures after the event.

Looking forward to seeing them! I wish I could be there.

Thanks, Andy, for help with the quotes for the special cards.  I cleaned up the text and then came up with a brilliant idea:  each card is printed with different options, front and back, but at the bottom of each description it's clear that the card is destroyed when played.  So, each player receives 2 cards each with a total of 4 special options, but they need to decide which side to play of each pair.  In this way I can effectively hand each player just one pair of cards which encompasses 4 options.

I'm also planning to wear the USS MONITOR cap I bought at the Mariner's Museum during my recent vacation to Hampton Roads & Norfolk; how geeky is that?


--- Quote from: MadDrB on June 02, 2012, 10:00:58 pm ---I'm also planning to wear the USS MONITOR cap I bought at the Mariner's Museum during my recent vacation to Hampton Roads & Norfolk; how geeky is that?

--- End quote ---

I approve! You're talking to a guy who owns a Hawaiian shirt with battleships on it ;).


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