Warcradle Naval Games > Uncharted Seas

Sky pirates faction cards


Captain Dan:
Hello there!

in my blog I placed a link to download a pdf with just the faction-excluxive cards for the Sky Pirates (cards #14-26). The cards come in black and white, no icons or background (just letters) and need another Uncharted Seas (sleeved) deck, but they let you play with proper faction cards if you have that fleet (or proxied lol)  ;)

Here is my blog entry with the link


Awesome! Thanks. I'll add this to the Resources thread stickied at the top of this forum.

Captain Dan:
Thank Ruckdog, I will give you a shout when I finish the definitive cards. I also will be posting some scenarios for Uncharted Seas I have "rescued" from the SG forums. I think there is a big chance of SG UCS forum to be deleted at the beginning of the new year.

Very cool. It's good to see someone is keeping the "uncharted seas" flags raised.
I never actually played the game but I do have some Imperial Humans on my shelf. Maybe I'll get around to painting them this year.


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