Warcradle Naval Games > Uncharted Seas

RIP Uncharted Seas?

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In the email mentioning the freebies for ordering certain amounts of stuff from the SG store that was sent out on Wednesday, there was a blurb that Spartan will no longer be stocking US in their web store as of 11/30.  ???

Bit of a shame, really, since this is the game Spartan stared with. Thoughts?

Neil promised Uncharted Seas was getting a revamp.
I imagine they are retiring the old molds and starting from scratch.

Sounds like they are clearing the decks for a re-launch of the game, then. I wonder if that means a new rule set...

Judging by Spartan replying to the people complaining about Spartan's doomsday on the forum it seems likely.
They've announced before and it mysteriously never surfaced, but it seems Uncharted Seas is a little too close to their hearts for that kind of treatment.
Supposedly Legions will be getting a very similar treatment soon.

I just hope that if they do relaunch, the figure a way to put tiny crewmen on the decks. Those vast empty planks always rankled me for some reason. Or if they go slightly smaller scale, ala Man O War, its not an issue somehow.


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