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Topics - Danaussie

Pages: [1]
2016 Painting Contest / Aussieminis Pacific Islands Set
« on: April 30, 2016, 10:12:16 pm »

Aussieminis - 7 Pacific Islands Set - Full Set

Aussieminis - 7 Pacific Islands Set - Scale

Aussieminis - Pacific Islands Feature Piece 300mm x 200mm

Aussieminis - Pacific Islands Medium Piece 240mm x 120mm

Aussieminis - Pacific Islands Medium Piece 250mm x 130mm

Aussieminis - Pacific Islands Small Piece - 140mm x 140mm

Aussieminis - Pacific Islands Small Piece - 130mm x 100mm

Aussieminis - Pacific Islands Set 2 x Small Pieces -  120mm x 50mm & 90mm x 80mm

Pacific Islands Set - Mongoose Publishing's (Victory at Sea) HMS Hood Pictured along with a modified HMS Sheffield by Wizards of the Coast (Axis & Allies - War at Sea, both at 1:1800th scale.

Cheers guys


The Showcase / Danaussie's WWII Naval Shipyard
« on: February 15, 2015, 11:08:24 pm »
Hello my good friends,

My name is Dan Byron otherwise known to those in the Naval Wargaming Community as Danaussie, I have promised Andy on a few occasions that I would post up a gallery of some of my work, it is time to deliver on that promise guys, so here are just some of the repaints and painted naval miniatures from both Wizards of the Coast's - Axis and Allies War at Sea, Mongoose Publishing's Victory at Sea and some Shapeways 1:1800th scale World War II Naval Miniatures that span my involvement with the naval war-gaming community for almost a decade.

An Imperial Japanese Navy Fleet - Axis & Allies War at Sea - Commission Completed 2011

KMS Scharnhorst & KMS Gneisenau - Wizards - 1:1800th - Commission Completed 2011

Battleships & Battlecruisers

The following 3 miniatures are the three miniatures for the only three painting competitions I have ever entered, my apologies for the image of HMS Hood, this is one of only 2 images of this model that survives today.

USS Montana - Wizards - 1:1800th - Man Battlestations Painting Competition Winner 2013

HMS Renown - Wizards - 1:1800th - Man Battlestations Painting Competition Winner 2014

HMS Hood - Wizards - 1:1800th - UnCon Winner Best Naval Miniature 2011

The next displayed models are just some of the miniatures that have been painted since 2007, too many to picture images of all of my work spanning the past decade, so here are some of my favourites spanning this time from a selection of over 450 miniatures painted for both my own personal collection and those completed for clients under commission.

HMS Rodney - Mongoose - 1:1800th - 2014

HMS King George V - Mongoose - 1:1800th - 2014

KMS Bismarck - Mongoose - 1:1800th - 2014

HMS Anson - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2012

USS Iowa - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2008 - One of the first W@S minis I ever painted

RM Littorio - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010

USS Missouri - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010

HMS Royal Oak - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010

IJN Yamato - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011

Aircraft Carriers

USS Hornet - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010

IJN Zuikaku - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011

USS Bunker Hill - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2014

KMS Peter Strasser - Shapeways - 1:1800th - 2014

RM Aquila - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011

USS Lexington - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011

IJN Shinano - Shapeways - 1:1800th - 2014

Cruisers & Destroyers

HMS Sussex - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011

HMS Sheffield (Mod)* & HMS Belfast - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011
*HMS Sheffield was a custom build, modelled in the UK by Montyburns from a HMS Belfast miniature.

USS Baltimore - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2009

USS Canberra - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010


The Shipyard / US Carrier Doctrine
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:09:00 am »
Its been an amazing past couple of years for me guys, there has been so many disruptions that I thought I would never be able to dedicate any more time to the thing I loved doing best, "Breathing Life" into naval wargames miniatures. Its funny how life goes sometimes, but at last I have been able to make my triumphant return, and although I am anxious about the reception I will get from the wargaming community after being absent for so I am.

I have been so happy to see some new forums pop up and be able to join in and talk about what I like to talk about the most "panting". There are some fabulous artists around, guys that show so much talent I can keep entertained for hour just soaking it all up. Man Battlestations has proved no different in this respect, although I must admit I am not much of a Sci-Fi fan there are some terrific models of these to be found here. Some of the GHQ stuff though is just bloody awesome if I may say so, and its great to meet some of you artists that I already know and meet some new ones.

If we were all to meet in person....well....lets just say we wouldnt get much sleep, for all the talking we would be doing.

But onto my latest projects, sheesh....its been busy I tell ya, starting up my online store has been very time consuming but its something I have been wanting to do for quite some time only I never had the confidence to take on such a thing, my wife and kids have been great in this respect to helping me to get out there and show the world my work.

My latest projects have been all trying to complete the last 2 models that belong to a few of my very closest friends, both are US Carriers and both have been quite difficult none more so than the USS Saratoga in her 32.11A Measure, when my buddy said he wanted the ship painted in this scheme, I said a few profain words to myself. I had painted this ship one time before and hated it. Its a beautiful design but on a 3D object extremely hard to paint. I feel it is coming along nicely, and it should be ready for photographing by tomorrow, just finishing up her final hi-lights now and will add the deck lines in the morning. I'm much happier with the second go at this one, and in truth if it were not going to one of the best painters in the world I probably would not have spent "as" much time on her.

The second of the carriers is the USS Enterprise, a ship that every American expects perfection out of....hehehe. Just kidding, I can understand why, she certainly put in an amazing contribution to the war and certainly deserves her high profile. This ship is being done in her pre-war early war scheme, my client wanted the flight deck to be wood and so thats what he is getting. A very special friend in the wargaming community, I hope he will be happy with this one. This ship is due out of the shipyards the day following the Saratoga, so pics will be coming guys.

Well thats it for now I think, I'm gonna have a bit more of a look around at what all the other guys are up to.

Cheers guys :) :) :)


Roll Call / Hi Everyone
« on: March 13, 2013, 01:20:37 am »
Hi guys, great to find yet another players forum, the more the better in my opinion. Anyhow I look forward to looking around and perhaps posting some pics of W@S repaints for everyone to look at. Really great to be here anyhow.

Dan :) :) :)

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