Man Battlestations Forum

Other Naval Games => Historical Naval Games => Topic started by: MadDrB on January 18, 2014, 11:26:51 pm

Title: Sails of Glory
Post by: MadDrB on January 18, 2014, 11:26:51 pm
I just set up a solo game to work out how the system mechanics work, aiming to play against an opponent sometime this week.  It seems like a great introductory age-of-sail game, and I think I can persuade some of the X-Wing players at the FLGS to give it a try.


Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on January 19, 2014, 12:23:02 am
I was thinking of doing the same far, I've had little time to do much more than look through all the game components and read through the rule book once. Lots of card board coutners to punch out! I'll need to get a couple of more Plano trays, I think. I really want to do a solid blog post on this once I've gotten a little more hands-on with the game.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Landlubber on January 20, 2014, 12:05:35 am
Looks very interesting...May have to check it out.  The pre-painted minis definitely look good!  (And that's a real selling point for me, as unpainted minis stack up on my hobby bench...)
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on January 21, 2014, 07:45:53 pm
Just got a post about my unboxing of the starter set put on the blog!
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Landlubber on January 22, 2014, 12:31:13 am
I really DON'T need another game system right now...but this looks pretty interesting....May have to see if anyone at my FLGS has it so I can give it a test drive.

The ships do look good, but I can see what you mean about the designs on the sails.

SO tempted to pick up a few of these ships and reenact my favorite battles from the Hornblower books!
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on January 29, 2014, 08:44:01 pm
I've got a second blog post up that talks a bit about the game play:

Seems like a pretty good game so far. I think it does a pretty good job with capturing the feel of age of sail combat.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Landlubber on January 30, 2014, 09:40:37 pm
Thanks for the review!

Very interesting about the combat mechanic.  Did it feel strange not rolling dice for combat?

I like the idea of pre-planned movement, and having to take into account the wind factor.  Makes for some serious planning, I'm sure.

Looking forward to seeing more pics and a battle report!  Someone is running a demo of this game at my FLGS on 22 February, I think I'll definitely have to stop by and give it a go.  And I'm going to Genghis Con here in Denver in a couple weeks--might give it a shot there if anyone is playing it.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on January 31, 2014, 06:53:06 pm
The dice-less combat takes a little getting used too after playing so many bucket of dice games! There is a little less excitement to it, but I think that will be more than made up for by the challenge of planning out effective maneuvers (especially  when you have to do it 2 turns ahead!).

I would definitely take a look at trying the game! I hear the box sets  are sold out, but if you can't find one, you can procure everything you need to play separately.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: MadDrB on February 17, 2014, 05:16:54 pm
I really like how the movement orders work, effectively planning 2 moves ahead but without needing to write things down--certainly easier to explain to a new, non-naval gamer than introducing something with written orders like Close Action, WS&IM, etc.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on February 19, 2014, 10:32:24 pm
The latest episode of the D6G is up, and it features a review of SoG! I hope to give it a listen in the next day or two:
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Landlubber on February 19, 2014, 10:58:44 pm
I've recently started listening to the D6G podcast, thanks to you guys talking about it on this forum.  At first, Craig's voice got on my nerves, but I'm used to it now.  Plus, it's over three hours long, so it works well with my commute from Denver to the Springs every day.  Only problem I have is that I listen while I'm driving, so I can't write down book/show/movie recommendations!
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Landlubber on July 24, 2014, 02:13:56 pm
So, whatever  happened with this game?  I really wanted to try it, but no one at my FLGS plays it, and the starter is pretty expensive.  Ruckdog, did you ever get into it?  Anybody else?  It seemed like a cool game, but it also seems like it kinda fell off the map.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: MadDrB on July 24, 2014, 07:08:12 pm
I got into this, and it's a great game for simulating combat among half a dozen frigates, but more than 6 ships and it drags out.  I would like to run it at one of the teen gaming events at the library, but those kids barely have the attention span to play through a game of Shadows Over Camelot.

I've tried to get some of the local X-Wing players to try it, but X-Wing is such a relatively simple and fast-playing system, it's hard to pull those guys away to something else.

I think it would be awesome if kids were collecting historical naval ships the way they do with those magic cards or fantasy figures.  Can you imagine a kid saying, "I have the USS Constitution," and rattling off a series of stats detailing tonnage, draft, beam, and crew complement, among other things?

I learned an important lesson about historical gaming when I was in 3rd grade--I started a Civil War company which drilled at recess at school, and we marched around the soccer field with sticks as muskets.  It didn't last long, especially after one kid threw away his stick in frustration, saying, "All we ever do is march and practice musket loading drills.  I want to run around and hide behind bushes with a machine gun and hand grenades!"

Same thing applies to movies.  Everyone seems excited about a new Star Wars movie coming out, but I'm still asking, "When is the sequel to Master & Commander going to be produced?"
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Landlubber on July 25, 2014, 11:51:55 pm
Well, MadDrB, that's a great thought, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Funny story about being in school, though.  Sounds about right for kids that age.

And I'm right there with you about Master and Commander.  Great movie.

So how is the replayability of the game? 
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on August 04, 2014, 10:44:05 pm
Well, I haven't played it much myself, but I would say pretty high. There is a good selection of ships to choose from, and the plotted movement will tend to keep things fresh, I imagine.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Landlubber on August 06, 2014, 01:25:28 am
Well, I haven't played it much myself, but I would say pretty high. There is a good selection of ships to choose from, and the plotted movement will tend to keep things fresh, I imagine.

Ruckdog, is this a game you get to play often?  Is there a decent player base for it?  I noticed the other day that my FLGS still carries a few of the starter boxes and expansions, but I've not seen it played.  I would spring for it, but with the recent news about Dystopian Legions and Planetfall (curse you Spartan Games), I don't think I'll be able to get into it anytime soon, if at all.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on October 10, 2014, 07:58:03 am
Sadly, I haven't been able to get many games in. I too see the minis for sale, but I have yet to see it played when I've been out to stores. Not regretting my purchase at all, becuase it is a great game with cool ships, but it does not seem to be hugely popular :-[.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: MadDrB on October 11, 2014, 06:29:04 am
I'm setting it up at the mini wargames demo day I'm running today at my FLGS--we'll see if I can't get one or two walk-ins interested in playing.
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on October 13, 2014, 08:23:59 pm
I think that will be an easy sell! An age of sail game is very attention-grabbing, and the mechanics are easy enough to pick up that doing a quick demo will not be too hard. Good luck!
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Landlubber on October 13, 2014, 10:07:40 pm
So, how did it go?
Title: Re: Sails of Glory
Post by: Ruckdog on November 25, 2014, 09:17:51 am
I got in another game of this with wargammer55 a few weeks back. We just played with the basic rules, but it was still a lot of fun. I have to say, getting used to the pre-plotted movement is proving to be a challenge for me!