Man Battlestations Forum

Warcradle Naval Games => Firestorm Armada => Topic started by: Ruckdog on September 15, 2016, 06:56:00 pm

Title: Nova Open FSA Event Report
Post by: Ruckdog on September 15, 2016, 06:56:00 pm
It took me about a week longer than I would have liked, but I've finally gotten my event report put up for the Nova Open FSA GT!
Title: Re: Nova Open FSA Event Report
Post by: Ryjak on September 15, 2016, 09:18:26 pm
If it helps any, I still haven't written about it myself, but I did post some photos:
Title: Re: Nova Open FSA Event Report
Post by: Dakkar on September 16, 2016, 12:43:22 pm
Still digesting the report, but looks awesome!

Josh on Firebase Delta was talking about it on their summer show (just got to that segment) but he said the parking there was $40 a day? Was that true?
Title: Re: Nova Open FSA Event Report
Post by: Quickdraw on September 16, 2016, 01:14:52 pm
Sounds like a really fun event.

Looking at the pictures I have to say those terquai cruisers in the bone color look awesome. I also noticed that the other terran player seemed to have a really strange fleet. One battlecruiser with cruisers, destroyers, assault cruisers, frigates, and a Xelocian battleship. Very interesting stuff.

@Ryjak  Big kudos on the tables. They look really good. The custom terrain pieces on each table really set everything off nicely.
Title: Re: Nova Open FSA Event Report
Post by: Ruckdog on September 16, 2016, 03:21:02 pm
Sounds like a really fun event.

Looking at the pictures I have to say those terquai cruisers in the bone color look awesome. I also noticed that the other terran player seemed to have a really strange fleet. One battlecruiser with cruisers, destroyers, assault cruisers, frigates, and a Xelocian battleship. Very interesting stuff.

IIRC, that fleet belonged to Dan, the Spartan Games rep that flew in from the UK for the event.
Title: Re: Nova Open FSA Event Report
Post by: Ruckdog on September 16, 2016, 03:22:45 pm
Still digesting the report, but looks awesome!

Josh on Firebase Delta was talking about it on their summer show (just got to that segment) but he said the parking there was $40 a day? Was that true?

If you did valet parking through the hotel, yes. However, there was a garage right around the corner that had $7 daily rate on weekends. Me personally, I parked at the Huntington Metro station and rode the train in to Crystal City ;).
Title: Re: Nova Open FSA Event Report
Post by: Ryjak on September 17, 2016, 05:00:09 am
I was there for the entire event; I think parking was $32 total for four days using the nearby parking garage.

@Quickdraw:  That's a set-up photo from our Sunday Narrative.  Dan needed a 2000 point fleet, and even with using all the models he brought, was short by about 400 points.  Fortunately, Bill had a primed but unpainted Xelocian Dreadnought.  As for the Battlecruiser, I think Dan only brought one (maybe the other is on the painting bench) so to bump up the points, he used this rule:

Add Accompaniment option to single Marshall Class Battlecruiser: 0-1 Harpoon Torpedo Cruisers.

They didn't last very long, but dished out a lot of Torpedo damage first, and that Dreadnought was brutal.  2000 points is a very interesting level to play with, as you want to activate about three different things simultaneously each Activation.  I remember once trying to figure out what to do, and realized I hadn't even touched my Battlecruisers, Destroyers, and Frigates hanging out in my table corner.  I was too busy trying to premtively counter threats that I forgot about one of my own.

The wonderful tables are mostly due to Bill's efforts.  He supplied the colorful and durable mats, purchased all of the terrain bits, and painted almost everything.  My contribution was mostly drilling holes into a LOT of lava rocks, gluing maybe 1/3 - 1/2 of the debris bits together, and producing all of the terrain templates and table templates.  The Scenarios were a joint effort.
Title: Re: Nova Open FSA Event Report
Post by: Dakkar on September 19, 2016, 12:33:38 am
I was there for the entire event; I think parking was $32 total for four days using the nearby parking garage.

Someone should have told Josh :-)