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Messages - Dakkar

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 79
The Swap Shop / Re: Firestorm and Dystopian for Sale
« on: August 05, 2019, 11:42:28 am »
What else is with the relthoza?

I'll get a full inventory up soon - weekend got too busy

The Swap Shop / Re: Firestorm and Dystopian for Sale
« on: August 05, 2019, 11:41:43 am »
What Dystopian Wars faction?

Prussians … don't know how I missed typing that :-)

The Swap Shop / Re: Firestorm and Dystopian for Sale
« on: August 02, 2019, 02:03:12 pm »
Dale, I don’t remember, is that the v1 Dindrenzi stuff or v2? Combo of both?

Not my original fleet, so I think it's mostly newer stuff, but I'll double check.

The Swap Shop / Firestorm and Dystopian for Sale
« on: July 31, 2019, 03:11:11 pm »
CO Locals - I've pretty much made up my mind to ditch the bulk of my remaining Spartan stuff

UPDATED, including picture links!

Dystopian Wars Prussians, including Iceland Terrain => $60 now $50

Firestorm Armada:

- Aquans and Terrans => $40 Now $30 for both

- Relthoza fleet including Assault Fleet Box $50

- Dindrenzi / RSN / Works Raptor => SOLD

*** Get Prussians, Aquans, and Terrans all together for $100!***

Syndicate Fleet (Pics pending) $50

If interested in a lightly used, no longer Drakh infested, Centauri Fleet for Babylon 5, PM me


I prefer local delivery, but I'll ship if you'll cover it.

FACO / Re: Legions Clone Wars
« on: July 31, 2019, 02:50:36 pm »

News and Rumors / Eisenhorn Series!?!
« on: July 17, 2019, 02:34:16 pm »

Space Naval Games / Re: What games have.....
« on: July 10, 2019, 08:35:20 pm »
You write the orders for a miniature that is not seen on the table, then work out with a counter its position and reveal it when decloaking.

I seem to recall that as well, but anything more than a turn of plotted "backlog" and it became really hard to continue to plot movement without marking the table/giving it away somehow.

Space Naval Games / Re: What games have.....
« on: July 10, 2019, 03:25:37 pm »
The only accurate stealth mechanic is to have the stealthed opponent map their movement separately where the opponent cannot see. But this is wildly impractical for many reasons, and I think I've only seen it used once, though I can't recall the game (hexes were involved) …

A good approximation systems I like, even if a bit too random, is from TREK ATTACK WING (and a variation is in X-Wing) of all things. Cloaked ships are still on the board BUT:
-- All Shooting grants them 4 extra Defense dice
-- When they decloak, they can reveal to be a small template away in directions chosen by the opponent.

The former works well on average, but if you're like me, I whiff all the defense rolls and it meant nothing. A more static auto-dodge token or two PLUS extra dice would work better.
The latter works AMAZINGLY well, giving that "Surprise, I'm over here!" effect when executed well. Doubly so for those effect that allow extended templates for the reveal displacement. For poor pilots though, they can easily be outmaneuvered into a wide front firing arc.

Worst "Stealth and Cloak" effects? The Relthoza in Firestorm Armada. First off, I can never keep straight which was which … don't give things similar names but wildly different mechanics. Second, the "Always On" effect was worthless because it nuked your own firepower OR simply made the game all about long range sniping for VPs then hiding - a terrible play experience for both IMHO.
Ironically PLANETFALL had the best system in that core mechanic  - where reliance on "exploding" dice was crucial, simply taking that away for shooting at Relthoza had an amazing swing on shooting. I vastly preferred it over playing shielded forces.

General Discussion / Re: Monthly Poll #36
« on: July 10, 2019, 03:11:13 pm »
1 and 2; 9 and 10

I think a great question related to this.... what does Fog of War/Command and Control mean to YOU in a Naval wargame? 

1. Giving commands to individual ships/units that improve their abilities
2. Activation of ship/Units methods
3. Detection for targeting and shooting
4. Stealth mechanics
5. Critical hits
6. Reactor/Repair mechanics
7. Unit upgrades/List Building?
8. Special weaponry
9. Strategy/order cards
10. Random events

Your thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: Monthly Poll #36
« on: July 09, 2019, 03:21:53 pm »
I don't like ANY minis or war game without Fog of War and/or C&C elements. I don't need perfect realism or perfect balance (an impossibility for either) but like Easy E says, dry mechanics dueling is dull - might as well play YATZEE. Executing a plan with imperfect control and unexpected events is the real challenge.
That said, not a fan of the major abstraction that comes in Command and Colors, specifically the RED ALERT scale of things. That feels like stripping away too much flavor.

I've barely played, but I'm partial to the Warlord system where you have a die for every activation .. .they all go into a bag, and you draw to see if your own or your enemy's units go. I'd like to see that leveraged more widely.

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