Man Battlestations Forum

Warcradle Naval Games => Dystopian Wars => Topic started by: warhawk on February 27, 2015, 11:38:26 pm

Title: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: warhawk on February 27, 2015, 11:38:26 pm
There has been a sighting of russians roaming around the CoA waters.... More info to be broadcast in the near future.

So will be doing a short battle report from mine and captainrockmans game today once i gather some things together for it. Can you guess how it went down who won and how?

These were the lists that were played.


1 X Khatanga Heavy Battleship (Commodore) = 200 pts
1 X Borodino Battleship = 180 pts
3 X Tiksi Support Cruisers = 255 pts
2 X Grom Airship = 150 pts
4 X Novgorod Frigates (2 squadrons of 2) = 100 pts
4 X Szabla Interceptors = 120 pts
5 X SAW Dive Bombers
1 X Recon Plane


Diophantus- 3 Galen escorts
3x Clomedes-energy turrets
3x Icarus- energy turrets
4x Diogenes
2x Diogenes
5x Thales

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Overall it was a very intense battle. Russians began blowing things off the board early one with killing 2 galen escorts, and putting some damage across a few different ships. CoA did answer back with putting some damage on the Borodino. CoA had foolishly left the commodore to go about by himself which in the end worked out as he took ALOT of firepower leaving my other units to ping away on the hardy russian ships. Once my Diophantus was blown up though all was lost as that was his objective. Sadly at that point he hadnt killed much as he was focusing on that while my guys slowly killed off his medium sized ships(my wining conditions). After a long hard fought battle we both had finally gotten our goals and 50%. Sadly at the end of the game it was a narrow victory for the CoA as i had lots of small ships worth few points and he just wasn't able to break my mediums where most of the points were at.

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the russian commodore running away leaving some ice in his wake to ensure the CoA doesnt catch him, or his comrades.

In the future when we have time to document everything will have full sized reports and pictures other than the beginning and end. Was fun and definitely looking forward to playing more and getting ships painted up.
Title: Re: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: markymark1970 on February 28, 2015, 12:33:32 am
Can't wait to hear about it!  I think the CoA took the day though.  CoA and Russians, they are my two favorite factions.
Title: Re: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: Last Rites on February 28, 2015, 10:47:54 am
Very cool! Looking forward to seeing how it all went down!
Title: Re: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: captainrockman on February 28, 2015, 05:51:20 pm
It was a fairly theatrical battle. Looking forward to the report!
Title: Re: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: warhawk on March 01, 2015, 02:04:13 pm
some pics and things added into first post now.
Title: Re: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: Landlubber on March 01, 2015, 05:00:13 pm
Very cool, thanks for the battle report. Always good to see Covenant and Russian fleets beating on each other.
Title: Re: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: captainrockman on March 01, 2015, 11:47:49 pm
It was almost a crushing victory for the Covenant, but the Russian Commodore lobbed one last, lucky mortar to take out a 25 point ship. That brought my points just over 500 points.

Way to go Warhawk! You had a nice strategy and I had a lot of fun.
Title: Re: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: Ruckdog on March 02, 2015, 11:49:55 am
Neat! It is interesting to see some of the newer ship designs on the table. How did they perform?
Title: Re: captainrockmans Russians VS warhawks CoA
Post by: captainrockman on March 02, 2015, 06:10:49 pm
The PLC Airships you see are Groms and the small flyers are Szabla Interceptors.

The Szabla were picked off before they could do much damage, but people on the Spartan forums claim to make good use of them.
The Groms did a bit better, but sadly have a pretty low turn limit. I would think they might have more maneuverability. It is something I will be aware of in the future.