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Call to arms Nottingham UK


Just found this forum recently and on the back of “Dystopian Age” really hoping to kick off some Dystopian Wars in Nottingham (or secondary base Rotherham) in the near future.

Any admirals in the region pls make contact as I’d be up for some 2.5 while we wait for 3.0.

I’m still Admiral to a Covenant of Antarctica fleet (and wishing I’d got my kickstarter book n models b4 it collapsed).


--- Quote from: Wolfchild on January 03, 2018, 05:52:41 pm ---Just found this forum recently and on the back of “Dystopian Age” really hoping to kick off some Dystopian Wars in Nottingham (or secondary base Rotherham) in the near future.

Any admirals in the region pls make contact as I’d be up for some 2.5 while we wait for 3.0.

I’m still Admiral to a Covenant of Antarctica fleet (and wishing I’d got my kickstarter book n models b4 it collapsed).

--- End quote ---

 As a fellow Covenant Admiral who lives close to Antarctica, I wish you well in this endeavor! And I hear you about the KS as well . . . Missing my CoA subs and interceptors ( Though I managed to *ahem* acquire a Menedalus and Newtons :D ) but would have loved to have been one of the lucky half dozen who got that Sturginium Mining Complex :(

Welcome aboard Wolfchild, glad you found our little corner of the internet. Always good to have another Dystopian Wars admiral on board.

Hey! welcome~

Well not really that close, but up in cumbria. Got a couple of fleets, heh. ^^


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