Author Topic: Jaded Spartancast  (Read 4192 times)


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Re: Jaded Spartancast
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2016, 10:31:27 pm »
As long as their not planning on producing a new game and having GW pay for it...

Nicely played, good sir. Nicely played.

I have no complaints about the blog post, but then I've already discussed where I stand on this issue. I'm actually thinking of getting my Dystopian Legions models out and trying to set up a game...
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Re: Jaded Spartancast
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2016, 05:09:03 am »
Inspired by Dalek and Ruckdog, here's my internal translation:

1) We're going to keep making models as our core business, and design lots of new models for you to buy! We're probably not going to make models for existing stat lines; instead we're releasing even more factions!  You want more factions, right?  And we'll work on our disjointed IP fluff with all these story writers we didn't hire!
2) We have no idea how to create and support game and scenario development, so we need volunteers!
3) You know how awesome we are at posting and updating our digital rules, right?  Our solution is to print books for you to buy!  We also talked to one group of gamers at a non-gaming convention, and are basing all our future decisions on what they want!  And we still don't know how to release new rules to our customers!  Please help!
4) We have big plans for two completely different community campaigns; this is going to be awesome! (You read #2 above, right?)
5) We noticed how our models are unpainted, so we'll try to advise you on what to do (you clearly don't know the Internet exists; you're reading a print-out of our blog hand-delivered by mail carrier, right?)
6) Everyone thought Adepticon was awesome, so we're going to make that tournament our Official Tournament Format!  We're even going to produce digital files for these scenarios so you can produce custom game mats all on your own!  You have access to a high-quality custom mat printer in your hometown, right? (Should I mention how only NOVA had set terrain layouts for their custom scenarios?  What about a FSA Tournament Kit with plaques, etc?)

In conclusion, this was hard to write... but we're doing it for you, the paying customer!


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Re: Jaded Spartancast
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2016, 08:14:44 am »
One thing that I think I might be in the minority on is that I think it is a good thing to have semi-regular releases of new models for each system. My logic is this:

1. Sustaining interest in a system is a Good Thing.
2. Sustaining interest in a system  requires new content.
3. New models equal new content.
4. New models are therefore good.

Now, new models are not the only thing to constitute content, of course, but IMO that, world building, and new/revised stats are the  areas where a gaming company should focus its efforts. From a company's perspective rules, fluff,  and models are must haves. Stuff like tournament packets, scenarios, painting guides, etc are nice to haves that the community typically takes the lead on.


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Re: Jaded Spartancast
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2016, 11:16:00 am »
I agree that new and improving models is the best sustainment for a game (it's what we really pay for after all).
But I also recall that Mongoose had a bajillion Bab-5 models before they tanked the game. Part of that was licensing, but the bigger part was neglect of the system, game imbalance, correcting bad models etc.

If Spartan keep to their standard sub-standard rules release schedule and quality, releasing a hundred new models wont restore the game to a healthy state.
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Re: Jaded Spartancast
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2016, 12:24:33 pm »
Totally agree. To be more clear, I think that a game company should strive to always do 3 things really well:

-New Models
-Rules (including the base rules, model stats, balance tweaks, FAQs, expansions, etc)
-World building/back ground fluff

In my view, if a company can do these three things consistently well, then they will have a good chance of building an enthusiastic community and have success in other areas. That's not to say that a company shouldn't try to actively build its community thorugh out-reach, put itself in the lime-light at shows, support tournaments, etc. But like I said in my earlier post, I really think that focusing on that stuff at the expense of the "main thing" (models, rules, and fluff) will ultimately be counter-productive.

In Spartan's case, here is how I would evaluate their performance at these three main areas of effort (On a 1-5 scale, 5 being Excellent):

-Models: (4) Good. Their models have always been nicely made, and have been steadily improving over the years. The main ding I give them in this area is that they do not space out and balance releases across their games; they go through fits and starts where one game gets all the love while the rest sit idle for 6 months to a year. That is not a new phenomena, by the way; that's essentially how the company has always operated.

-Rules: (3) Fair. The core rules they put out have been getting better over time, and having many of them available via free PDF is great. However, they are lagging behind when it comes to FAQs, balance changes, and other tweaks. Plus, there is the inexcusable and inexplicable failure to not publish the rules and/or stats for Fleet Action and Task Force.

- Fluff: (1) Poor. By far the weakest area for Spartan. They have only slowly released information in small trickles, but there has never been a solid "bible" for their major settings that really lays out the basics in such a way that gamers can fill in blanks, and (to borrow a phase) build their own narratives in the world. If you want a really good example of this in action, I always point back to the Battlefleet Gothic rule book. The fluff in the BFG rulebook gives a good feel for how the universe works, even if you have had no exposure to the 40k universe before.

So, overall I think that puts the company at about a (3) Fair level, but recent developments are encouraging. This is why I see their blog post as a sign they are heading down the right path; their top objectives in the post are pointed towards models, rules, and fluff.


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Re: Jaded Spartancast
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2016, 05:33:16 pm »
 Hey Ruckdog, would releasing new models for existing models count?  For example, I would've bought a Kedorian Battleship  ages ago, except the models are out of print and terrible.

I also don't have a problem with SG releasing new models; this is an important thing to do to grow the hobby and the business. However I don't think they should be releasing a new Terran Battlecarrier  or a new faction until they produce models for all the existing modeless stat lines.  (corsairs and traders do exist, you know)


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Re: Jaded Spartancast
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2016, 12:15:29 am »
However I don't think they should be releasing a new Terran Battlecarrier  or a new faction until they produce models for all the existing modeless stat lines.  (corsairs and traders do exist, you know)

Amen! If they tumble wholly down the GW Space Marine line of thought, game is doomed: "Only Terrans sell well, so lets make more Terrans"
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