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Messages - Wanjajoral

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Dystopian Wars / Re: Fleet Action - FAQ, updates
« on: August 29, 2017, 06:51:59 am »
He recently joined this forum. His user name here is SeerK. You can send him a message here:

The Great War / Re: Jutland - Looking for a specific book...
« on: August 28, 2017, 03:58:47 pm »
Thanks a lot,
as I have ordered a copy I will know soon enough if it might be the right one.

The Great War / Re: Jutland - Looking for a specific book...
« on: August 28, 2017, 11:19:49 am »
Hi Ruckdog and thanks for the reply.
I ordered that book but it is definitely not the one I remember. Mine was blue and there was no black and white photo on the cover (and the German version of The Dreadnoughts looks just like the English one you linked to).
The one I had looked more like the Illustration on the Warrior to Dreadnought book by David K Brown (which I promtly ordered as well together with the follow up The Grand Fleet - though both look rather like textbooks on the inside (which is fine as well, just not so nicely illustrated)):

If anybody else still has an idea what book I might mean, let me hear it :)


The Great War / Jutland - Looking for a specific book...
« on: August 28, 2017, 05:20:13 am »
Hello everybody,
I am looking for a specific book - and I have no clue what its title is or who wrote/published it, but maybe you can still help me.
As a young teenager I enjoyed reading a book about naval warfare in WW1. The booked dealt with the pre-war arms race as well but the main focus was on the battle of Jutland - with a detailed report of how it went.
My edition of the book was a rather large hardcover and it contained a large number of full page illustrations - oil paintings depicting scenes of the battle.

I got rid of that book when I moved out of my parents house and have been unable to find it on amazon or ebay (it's hard to find something when one doesn't know the specifics of what he is looking for).

Maybe you know such a book, and even if you don't, are there any visually interesting books about the battle for Jutland out there you could recommend? I know that I could easily get a paperback packing a lot of content, but I greatly enjoyed those illustrations.


Roll Call / Cast off!
« on: August 28, 2017, 03:33:52 am »
Hello everybody,
I have been lurking on these forums for quite a while now but with the closure of Spartan Games I decided to register and become a bit more active here.

I am 37, based in Marburg, Germany (think about the brothers Grimma and fairytale country and you are right there), working at the University (Geography) and have three kids (aged 7, 4 and almost 1). This life of mine keeps me awfully busy, which means that I hardly make it to gamedays, conventions or meet ups. Most of my active gaming happens with my wife and has nothing to do with naval or miniature games. I enjoy a wide range of board and card games and have a fairly active account on boardgamegeek. Oh, and I design games, but just for fun as my limited free time prevents me from pursuing this in more earnest.

I started with miniature wargames in the early 90s and Battletech was my first love. Warhammer 40k (2nd ed) followed a few years later, but I got out of miniature games when I went to college in favor of D&D and CCGs. I always liked naval themes and when Battlefleet Gothic came out (and I could not afford it) I just created my own ruleset (roughly based on Battletech), which was fun for a while.

Fast forward a decade or so and I am rediscovering miniature wargames. Space Hulk 3rd ed got me back into buying and painting models and after years of pondering I took the plunge and got Firestorm Aramda (2.0). In terms of naval games I also have a nice collection of Sails of Glory ships and some bits for Star Trek Attack Wing, but Firestorm Armada is where my heart is at.
My main fleet are Sorylians which I, as often as time allows, pit against my son's Aquans (as he is just 7 we play the simpler Taskforce ruleset), but I also have some painted Veydreth, RSN and (almost finished) Dindrenzi. Other fleets (Relthoza, Oroshan, Xelocian, Directorate) are patiently waiting for their time on the painting table and will keep me busy for months (years?) to come.

As my time is limited I am more a hobbiest than a gamer right now and if Spartan had released more fiction for their games I would have certainly devoured it, too, as I am more a fluff gamer than a min-maxer.

I am happy to be here and hope that many more Spartan Games fans will join this forum and keep their games alive.

Happy gaming,

News and Rumors / Re: SPARTAN CLOSING
« on: August 27, 2017, 07:22:36 am »
Hi everybody,
with Spartan - and their forums - being gone I decided to make this here my new home for everything Firestorm.

I guess we will have to wait for any future developments, but I also am rather pessimistic about an official resurrection of the Spartan game systems. A fan-based version seems more likely.
In the meantime - I bought a dozen or so boxes from an online vendor and noticed that they are running out of stock fast. So, if you think about getting some more ships, get them rather sooner than later. I got mine from as they had a 20% discount on anything Spartan (until they realized that their closure meant good business for them and they reduced the discount to 10%, but what they have left in stock is still cheaper than on ebay).

Another option I would consider for the future is ordering 3D printed ships from Shapeways. Does anybody know if there are already ships that would fit the scale and the feel of the Firestorm universe available there?

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